What does the word gloomier mean?

What does the word gloomier mean?

adj, gloomier or gloomiest. 1. dark or dismal. 2. causing depression, dejection, or gloom: gloomy news.

What is the synonym of word gloomy?

Some common synonyms of gloomy are bleak, cheerless, desolate, dismal, and dreary.

What is the synonym of anxious?

afraid, apprehensive, careful, concerned, distressed, fearful, fidgety, jittery, nervous, restless, scared, uneasy, uptight, enthusiastic, impatient, keen, thirsty, aghast, antsy, basket case.

Is it more gloomy or gloomier?

Comparative form of gloomy: more gloomy.

What’s a gloomy mood?

1 dark or dismal. 2 causing depression, dejection, or gloom. gloomy news. 3 despairing; sad. ♦ gloomily adv.

Why does anxious mean?

1 : afraid or nervous about what may happen The parents were anxious about the child’s health. 3 : wanting very much : eager She is anxious to get home.

Is gloomily a word?

Meaning of gloomily in English. in an unhappy way, or in a way that expresses little hope: “You don’t understand,” Richard said gloomily.

What is gloomy person?

The definition of gloomy is dark, depressing or dim. An example of gloomy is a rainy, dark day. An example of gloomy is a person who is sad or pessimistic. adjective.

What is the opposite of glooming?

Antonyms for glooming. brightening, cheering (up), lightening, perking (up)

What is the meaning of the word gloomier?

Define gloomier. gloomier synonyms, gloomier pronunciation, gloomier translation, English dictionary definition of gloomier. adj. gloom·i·er , gloom·i·est 1. Partially or totally dark, especially dismal and dreary: a damp, gloomy day. 2. Showing or filled with gloom: gloomy faces….

What is the comparative form of gloomy?

Comparative form of gloomy: more gloomy. The brighter Prince Andrew’s lot appeared to him, the gloomier seemed his own. Meanwhile affairs in Paris looked gloomier than ever, and Robespierre recalled Saint-Just to the capital. The room, dusty and untouched since the death of Joseph Bazdeev was now even gloomier.

What is an antonym for gloomy?

Antonyms of gloomy. blissful, buoyant, buoyed, cheerful, cheery, chipper, delighted, glad, gladdened, gladsome, gleeful, happy, joyful, joyous, jubilant, sunny, upbeat. 3 being without light or without much light. that house would be less gloomy if some of the overgrown trees and shrubs were cleared away.

What is the difference between desolate and gloomy?

The meanings of desolate and gloomy largely overlap; however, desolate adds an element of utter remoteness or lack of human contact to any already disheartening aspect. When can dismal be used instead of gloomy? While the synonyms dismal and gloomy are close in meaning, dismal indicates extreme and utterly depressing gloominess.


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