What does to put something on ice mean?

What does to put something on ice mean?

to postpone something. Plans have been put on ice for a meeting in London of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

What according to you is the meaning of the phrase put on hold ‘?

to postpone something; to stop the progress of something. (See also put someone on hold; put someone or something on hold.) They put the project on hold until they got enough money to finish it. Sorry, but we must put your plan on hold.

Whats the meaning of on thin ice?

See synonyms for on thin ice on Thesaurus.com. In a precarious or risky position, as in After failing the midterm, he was on thin ice with his math teacher. This metaphor is often rounded out as skate on thin ice, as in He knew he was skating on thin ice when he took his rent money with him to the racetrack.

What is the meaning of the phrase break the ice?

To remove the tension at a first meeting, at the opening of a party, etc.: “That joke really broke the ice at the conference; we all relaxed afterward.”

What is on ice in Autosys?

Difference between ON ICE and ON HOLD jobs in Autosys When an ON_HOLD job is put off hold, it runs, if it’s starting conditions are satisfied, while an ON ICE job will not run, after putting into OFF ICE, even if it’s starting conditions are met. It will only run, when it’s starting condition will reoccur.

How do you say put on hold?

put something on hold

  1. postpone, put off, put back, hold off, defer, delay, adjourn, shelve, suspend, hold in abeyance.
  2. North American put over, take a rain check on.
  3. informal put on ice, put on the back burner, put in cold storage, mothball.
  4. rare remit, respite.

What’s another word for put on hold?

What is another word for put on hold?

postpone defer
delay shelve
adjourn suspend
mothball remit
respite put off

What’s another way to say on thin ice?

What is another word for skating on thin ice?

taking a gamble asking for it
taking a risk treading dangerously
walking a thin line walking a tightrope
inviting trouble sailing close to the wind
running a risk playing Russian roulette

What does walking on ice mean?

To act or proceed with great care, caution, and consideration so as not to upset someone or trigger some imminent disaster. The littlest thing tends to anger my mother, so I feel like I have to walk on thin ice whenever I’m at her house.

What is another way to say break the ice?

What is another word for break the ice?

be friendly and talkative break ground
make the first move oil the works
open the way pave the way
set at ease set the ball rolling
smooth the path socialiseUK

What does the saying When Pigs Fly mean?

Definition of when pigs fly —used to say that one thinks that something will never happen The train station will be renovated when pigs fly.

What is job type in AutoSys?

JOB. Any task to be performed in Autosys is called a Job. A Job can be any single command, exe file, windows batch file or script. Job definition will have qualifying attributes like, where the job is, at what time and on which day it should run, etc.


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