What does tt mean in texting?

What does tt mean in texting?

Second Definition of TT

Definition: Till Tomorrow
Type: Abbreviation
Guessability: 3: Guessable
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

What does TtV stand for?

Time to value
Time to value (TtV) is a business term that describes the period of time between a request for a specific value and the initial delivery of the value requested. A value is a desirable business goal; it can be a quantifiable (tangible) or abstract (intangible). This was last updated in July 2012.

What does DW mean?

don’t worry
DW stands for “don’t worry.” It is used to tell someone to relax and stop worrying about something. It can be sent as a complete message on its own or paired with other phrases. For example, “dw about it” or “dw too much.” It’s a widespread term in text messages and chat apps, such as WhatsApp and iMessage.

What does .tv mean in twitch?

TTV. Twitch.tv (video platform)

What does Ty mean in a text message?

So, what does TY mean?TY frequently stands for thank You, it is one acronym or one abbreviation provided when human being want to express your gratitude towards another individual.The term’s intake is mostly positive yet is virtually never used in a formal setting as brief forms space not understood as professional.

What is Ty short for?

Ty ▼ as a boys’ name is pronounced ty. It is of English origin. Short form for names beginning with Ty-. Baseball player Ty Cobb; football player Ty Law. Also form of Tyler. Also form of Tyson.

What does Ty mean in slang?

So now you know – TY means “Thank You” – don’t thank us. YW! What does TY mean? TY is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the TY definition is given.

What does Ty mean in chat?

TY, simply put, means “thank you”, in most venues. However, in any given venue, whether it be an MMORPG, a fansite, a discussion board about a specific subject; there may be an item or a specific ideal that has a name where “TY” would be the simplest abbreviation, and where everyone would understand that.


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