What does UEP certified mean?

What does UEP certified mean?

The United Egg Producers says its UEP certified label is on 85% of eggs produced in the U.S. The label means the eggs originate from farms that follow responsible, science-based practices for hen health and well-being – for both regular and cage-free farms.

Are UEP Certified eggs pasteurized?

Pasteurized. Regulated by FDA, shell eggs are heated to temperatures just below the coagulation point to destroy pathogens.

What is United Egg Producers Certified?

The UEP Certified logos identify eggs in the marketplace as produced by UEP Certified farms and signifies that the hens that laid the eggs were raised under science-based animal well-being guidelines. Each UEP Certified farmer is audited annually by a third-party inspector to ensure they comply with the guidelines.

Where do most US eggs come from?

Although U.S. egg production is spread across more than 34 states, about 50 percent of production is concentrated in the Midwest, largely due to the availability of low-cost chicken feed.

Can layers take antibiotics?

Even if you can buy them over-the-counter, virtually no animal drugs (such as wormers and antibiotics) are okay to use in laying hens. Read the label carefully before you buy!

What constitutes cage free eggs?

Cage-free eggs indicate that hens were not kept in battery cages, allowed instead to move about the egg production barn. But cage-free does not mean hens were given access to the outdoors. They were also likely stocked at high densities, meaning there was no limit to the number of birds in a given barn.

How many chickens do they have at Willamette Farm?

2 million chickens
With around 30 lay houses containing a little more than 2 million chickens, Willamette Egg Farms produces around 1.5 million eggs every day.

What is the highest grade of eggs?

Grade AA egg
A Grade AA egg is the highest quality egg you can buy. The egg whites (albumen) are thick and firm, the yolks are high and round, and the shells are clean and unbroken. Grade AA eggs are great for frying and poaching, and any other preparations in which appearance is important (like eggs benedict).

How many eggs get eaten a year?

The Washington Post reports that Americans are eating eggs in numbers not seen in more than 50 years: about 279 eggs per year, per person, which averages out to about 95 million dozen eggs Nationwide.

How can I legally sell my eggs?

You can only sell organic eggs if registered with CDFA California State Organic Program. Call the Organic Program office at 916-900-5030 or visit https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/is/organicprogram/ .

Can selling eggs be profitable?

Selling chicken eggs from a small homestead is more than likely not going to produce a profit. If you figure the costs of your inputs such as the cost of feed, labor for chores, and start-up costs, you could probably charge $7-8 a dozen for fresh farm eggs. However, that price will probably be a deterrent.


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