What does WZT-3M mean?

What does WZT-3M mean?

The WZT-3M is an armoured recovery vehicle (ARV) produced by the Poland-based Bumar and Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML) of India. It is an upgraded variant of the WZT-3 ARV.

What does WZT stand for?

WZT (Wóz Zabezpieczenia Technicznego – armoured recovery vehicle) was a Polish post-World War II armoured recovery vehicle series. It consists of five versions. The first two, WZT-1 and WZT-2 were built on T-55/T-55A hull, the WZT-3 was built on T-72M hull, the WZT-3M was built on PT-91 hull and the WZT-4 was built on PT-91M hull for Malaysia.

How many WZT-3M armored recovery vehicles are in India?

India – 556 WZT-3M (In April 1999, India has ordered 44 WZT-3M armored recovery vehicles, this order was followed by another two orders in April 2002 (another 80 vehicles) and in July 2005 (228 vehicles). Vehicles are used to support units with T-72 and T-90 MBT. Deliveries began in 2001.

What was the purpose of the WZT-1?

The WZT-1 were used in the upgrade of Newa SAM system to Newa-SC standard. The launcher was mounted on a WZT-1 chassis (many sources claim the vehicle to be T-55 tank but as a matter of fact vehicles never had tank turret in the first place).


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