What does Yemanja mean?

What does Yemanja mean?

Yemanjá (Yoruba: Yemanjá) is a major water spirit from the Yoruba religion. She is the mother of all Orishas. She is an orisha, in this case patron spirit of rivers, particularly the Ogun River in Nigeria; and oceans in Cuban and Brazilian orisa religions.

What are Orixas in Candomble?

Orixas are ancestors who have been deified. These orixas can be from recent history, perhaps only one hundred years old, or they may be over a thousand years old. Orixas are a link between the spiritual world and the world of humans. Voduns and inkices are spirit gods, essentially the same as orixas.

What is the difference between Yemaya and Oshun?

Oshun is one of the youngest orishas and Yemaya’s younger sister. Yemaya took her under her protection and gave her dominion over all the Earth’s rivers.

What is Candomble a mix of?

Candomblé is a religion based on African beliefs which is particularly popular in Brazil. The religion is a mixture of traditional Yoruba, Fon and Bantu beliefs which originated from different regions in Africa. It has also incorporated some aspects of the Catholic faith over time.



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