What eschew meaning?

What eschew meaning?

Definition of eschew transitive verb. : to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds : shun.

What does Eskewed mean?

To avoid using, accepting, participating in, or partaking of: “Italian tends to eschew the sort of polite euphemisms in which English glories” (David Leavitt). See Synonyms at evade. 2. [Middle English escheuen, from Old French eschivir, of Germanic origin; akin to akin to shy.]

What is eschew evil?

to abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid: to eschew evil.

Can eschew be a noun?

The act of eschewing.

Is Askewed a word?

to one side; out of line; in a crooked position; awry: to wear one’s hat askew;to hang a picture askew. with disapproval, scorn, contempt, etc.; disdainfully: They looked askew at the painting.

What forswear means?

1 : to make a liar of (oneself) under or as if under oath. 2a : to reject or renounce under oath. b : to renounce earnestly. 3 : to deny under oath. intransitive verb.

What does the name eschew mean?

To eschew is defined as to purposely try to stay away from or to avoid. An example of eschew is when you hate airplanes and never go on them. To avoid using, accepting, participating in, or partaking of.

What does eschew mean?

escape, avoid, evade, elude, shun, eschew mean to get away or keep away from something. escape stresses the fact of getting away or being passed by not necessarily through effort or by conscious intent.

What is another word for eschew?

Synonyms for Eschew: n. • skip. v. •communication (verb) shun. •have nothing to do with (verb) abstain, shun, let well enough alone, elude, sacrifice, refrain, forgo, shy away from, evade, abjure, forswear, give up, swear off, duck, shy, abandon, double, steer clear of, not touch, have no truck with, renounce, avoid.

What does eschew obfuscation mean?

“Eschew obfuscation”, also stated as “eschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation”, is a humorous fumblerule used by English teachers and professors when lecturing about proper writing techniques. Literally, the phrase means “avoid being unclear” or “avoid being unclear, support being clear”, but the use of relatively uncommon words causes confusion in much of the audience (those lacking the vocabulary), making the statement an example of irony, and more precisely a heterological phrase.


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