What gang uses 5 dots?

What gang uses 5 dots?

Bloods: Red, white, black. 5-point star, 5-point crown, “5”.

What does five dots represent?

The five dot tattoo resembles the five shields on the Portuguese flag — the shields representing the five Holy Wounds inflicted upon Jesus during his crucifixion — and was formerly worn by many members of the Portuguese armed forces.

What do dice tattoo symbolize?

Dice tattoos are symbols of risk taking and gambling. They’re commonly part of a larger design such as a gambling sleeve or bold Lady Luck piece. A traditional tattoo image dice were often tattooed with a ‘good luck’ banner and were seen as a tattoo that brought good fortune.

What does a 5 point star stand for?

A pentagram (sometimes known as a pentalpha, pentangle, pentacle, or star pentagon) is the shape of a five-pointed star polygon. Christians once commonly used the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Jesus. The pentagram is also used as a symbol by other belief systems, and is associated with Freemasonry.

What gang is 5 point star?

The People Nation alliance in most instances uses a five-pointed star in their gang graffiti. The five-pointed star has its origins with the Blackstone Rangers/Black P. Stone Ranger Nation, one of the larger street gangs.

What are dice a symbol of?

Over the years, dice have been used for a variety of different purposes, but are recognized as a symbol of chance and luck all around the globe. Dice and other gambling designs continue to gain popularity among both men and women who love to live boldly.

What do dot tattoos on fingers mean?

Finger Dot Tattoo A single dot often represents a ‘full stop’ – the end of one phase and the start of another. A row of three dots is another popular version of this tattoo. Once often worn by gang members, today, it is associated with living life on your terms.

What does a cross between the thumb and index finger mean?

Cross: A small cross either on the forehead, finger, or between the thumb and forefinger is sometimes seen on convicts as a symbol of serving time in prison.

What does Snake Eyes tattoo mean?

Snake Eyes is a stoic force of good whereas Storm Shadow is a force of chaos that operates within evil. Good cannot exist without evil and vice versa; this symbolism is a perfect analogy for Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow.

What does a 5 point star with a circle around it mean?

In the past, the pentagram was commonly seen as a symbol for good and for protection against evil. In Taoism, a pentagram shows how the five classical oriental elements (earth, water, wood, fire, and metal) are related. Today, the pentacle, commonly mistaken as a pentagram, is the most commonly used symbol of Wicca.


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