What genocide took place in Africa?

What genocide took place in Africa?

Rwandan genocide
The Rwandan genocide occurred between 7 April and 15 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War….

Rwandan genocide
Location Rwanda
Date 7 April – 15 July 1994
Target Tutsi population, and moderate Hutus
Attack type Genocide, mass murder

What were the Germans doing in Namibia?

German colonisers killed tens of thousands of Ovaherero and Nama people in Namibia between 1904 and 1908. This amounted to some 80% of the Ovaherero and over 40% of the Nama. Their land and livestock were also confiscated. This was punishment for taking part in an uprising.

What did Germany do in Africa?

German South West Africa and the Herero and Nama Genocide. The Germans colonized South West Africa in a different manner than the rest of their holdings. The main goal of the Germans in Namibia was to provide a Lebensraum for its people: more territory that a state believes is needed for its natural development.

What happened during the Herero rebellion?

A rebellion by Herero people in Namibia broke out in January 1904 and continued until 31 March 1907. On 12 January several hundred mounted Herero invaded Okahandja. They killed 123 people, most of them German, and set buildings alight.

Why did Germans go to Namibia?

In 1886 the border between Angola and what would become German South West Africa was negotiated between the German and Portuguese nations. The reason Germany selected Namibia as its “protectorate” was influenced by the fact that a tobacco merchant from Bremen, Franz Luderitz, bought up coastal land in the area in 1882.

What language is spoken in Namibia?

Namibia/Official languages

Why did the Germans go to Namibia?

What happened to German East Africa?

The colony was organised when the German military was asked in the late 1880s to put down a revolt against the activities of the German East Africa Company. It ended with Imperial Germany’s defeat in World War I.

Who won the Herero wars?

Herero Wars
German troops in combat with the Herero in a painting by Richard Knötel.
Date 1904–1908 Location German South West Africa Result German victory, systematic extermination of native peoples
German Empire German South West Africa Herero, Namaqua, and other Namibians

What were the causes of the Herero and Nama uprising?

In October, the Nama people also rebelled against the Germans, only to suffer a similar fate….Herero and Namaqua genocide.

San, Herero and Namaqua genocide
Perpetrators Lieutenant General Lothar von Trotha and the German colonial forces
Motive Collective punishment, German colonialism, German imperialism


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