What goes in the green bin?

What goes in the green bin?

Organics bin (green lid) for compostable materials, including fruit, vegetables, dairy, meat, garden clippings, shredded paper, pet waste, paper towels, pizza boxes and tissues.

What goes in recycling boxes Newtownabbey?

What Goes In My Wheelie Box

  • What To Put In Your Wheelie Box. Top Box (blue lid) Plain sheets of paper go in the top box (remember to remove any staples or clips)
  • Items Which Are Not Permitted In Your Wheelie Box. Plastic bags, plastic film, plastic packaging. Ploystyrene.

What can go in blue bin Antrim?

Items which can go into the blue bin are as follows:

  • Newspaper and Magazines.
  • All types of Cardboard e.g. packaging, tissue boxes, toilet/kitchen roll tubes, cereal boxes etc.
  • Catalogues.
  • Telephone directories.
  • Junk mail (remove all plastic)
  • Envelopes (remove plastic window)

Can Electricals go in the blue bin?

Do not use your blue recycling bin for: electrical items: these items can be taken to Summers Lane Reuse and Recycling Centre. polystyrene: this can’t be recycled and should be placed in the refuse bin. plastic film and wrapping: this can’t be recycled and should be placed in the refuse bin.

What type of garbage is thrown in green bins?

The green bins are used for collecting kitchen and other plant or animal wastes. This type of waste rots completely when buried in the soil. It includes wastes like plate scrapings, vegetable peelings, meat and bones, cooked and uncooked food, cut flowers, etc.

What happens to the green bin waste?

After being collected, green garden waste is taken to a special composting site where it becomes a nutritious soil conditioner. When the waste arrives, any material that is not compostable is removed and the remaining waste is shredded. This shredded waste is then laid out in long piles known as windrows to decompose.

What can you put in kerbside collection?

Kerbside collection acceptable items

  • bath and laundry tubs.
  • bicycles and sporting equipment.
  • carpet and rugs.
  • electronic waste* (e.g. televisions and computers)
  • furniture and white goods (e.g. fridges and stoves)
  • small household appliances (e.g. fans and toasters)
  • wood products less than 1.5 metres.

Can you put glass in blue bin Antrim?

The wheelie box three-tiered recycling bin system has already successfully operated for a number of years in other areas of the Borough and its introduction means that you would be able to recycle glass, textiles and batteries, alongside paper, card, cans and plastics.

Can I throw a kettle in the bin?

From kettles to cameras, from battery-operated toys to toasters, from power drills to mobile phones, you can recycle the lot! It’s easy – just take them with you next time you visit your local recycling centre.

Can I put small electrical items in the bin?

You must not put your broken appliances into a regular recycle bin; councils don’t allow it and it could be dangerous.

What are the 3 types of garbage?

The seven most common types of garbage are:

  • Liquid or Solid Household Waste. This can be called ‘municipal waste’ or ‘black bag waste’ and is the type of general household rubbish we all have.
  • Hazardous Waste.
  • Medical/Clinical Waste.
  • Electrical Waste (E-Waste)
  • Recyclable Waste.
  • Construction & Demolition Debris.
  • Green Waste.

What is the difference between blue and green recycle bins?

As part of the program, large blue recycling bins collect metal, glass and plastic containers and green bins accept newspapers, and other paper products that previously had been thrown into the city’s 25,000 street corner litter baskets.


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