What happened to Bonnie and Twill in The Hunger Games?

What happened to Bonnie and Twill in The Hunger Games?

Though Bonnie and Twill were far enough away to survive, the explosion killed Twill’s husband and Bonnie’s entire family. In Mockingjay, Katniss learns that Bonnie and Twill never made it to District 13. She assumes that they died in the woods.

What does the Mockingjay mean to Twill and Bonnie?

They also hint, although Katniss refuses to believe it, that Katniss has a large part to play in the rebellion. By using her mockingjay as a symbol for the rebel movement, Bonnie and Twill reinforce its meaning as a symbol throughout the book.

What are Bonnie and Twill trying to make?

Twill, a teacher, and Bonnie, one of her students, worked at the factory responsible for making Peacekeeper uniforms. Twill intended to run away with her husband, so she began to steal parts of the Peacekeeper uniform to better conceal themselves while on the run.

How does Katniss feel about Twill and Bonnie situation?

She realizes Twill and Bonnie are desperate and may be clinging to any hope, but while she never seems to buy completely into it, she can’t seem to dismiss it either. She wonders why the Capitol would tolerate rebels, even if they did have nuclear weapons, implying that she doesn’t believe it’s possible.

Where are Bonnie and Twill going when they meet Katniss in the woods?

They think the people of the district moved underground, and the Capitol leaves them alone because their principal industry was nuclear development. They could have nuclear weapons. Katniss thinks the idea is preposterous, but she also sees how desperate Twill and Bonnie are so she doesn’t say anything.

How old was Bonnie in The Hunger Games?

Bonnie Hawthorne
Age 19 (Catching Fire) 20 (Mockingjay)
Occupation Factory worker
Home District 8
Gender Female

What did Katniss give Bonnie and twill?

They take refuge inside the house in the woods, where Katniss often hides, and tell her more of their story. Twill and Bonnie reveal that they came from District 8, where cloth is made and resources are super scarce. Katniss gives them some of her extra food. Bonnie reminds her of Rue (from The Hunger Games).

Are Bonnie and twill in The Hunger Games movie?

Trivia. Bonnie and Twill do not appear in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire film. Bonnie and Twill were removed from the film adaptation of Catching Fire as the filmmakers did not want to spoil the ending of the movie and the plot of Mockingjay for audiences who hadn’t read the books.


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