What happens if you erase the world in Undertale genocide?

What happens if you erase the world in Undertale genocide?

If the player chooses “ERASE,” Chara calls the player “a great partner.” followed by hollow eyes and stating that Chara and the player will be together forever, resulting in the world’s destruction.

Can you spare in genocide?

You just can’t spare. You are allowed to spare random encounter enemies as long as you still fufill the kill counter. If you spare a boss or miniboss(or some specific enemies like Lesser Dog or Shyren) it’s aborted. The full info is one the Genocide Route page.

Should I do the genocide route in Undertale?

The order in which you play the routes of Undertale doesn’t matter too much, but I suggest you play in the order of Neutral >Pacifist > Genocide as this order helps you to understand the backstory of the game better, as to get the most out of the game.

Is Undertale genocide scary?

It’s turns into very dark psychological game towards the end of a Genocide Run. It all becomes very reminiscent of “Spec Ops: The Line (2012)”, but much, MUCH worse. While on the Neutral/Pacifist Route. In a Genocide playthrough, Undertale is comparable to a creepypasta (highly disturbing/horror-based) game.

What happens if you reset after killing Toriel?

You can’t do a true pacifist route on your first playthrough anyways so it wouldn’t effect anything. But if you reset it after she died it shouldn’t effect anything.

What happens if you do the genocide run twice?

Undertale. After a genocide run, you sell your soul to do another run. The world is erased again after a second genocide run.

What is the hardest route in Undertale?

The genocide route in Undertale can be as difficult as it is emotionally devastating without a bit of knowledge going in.

Is it better to do genocide or pacifist first?

As the game keeps track of how each playthrough ends up we’d strongly suggest a Pacifist walkthrough first followed by Genocide in order to get the standard version of each, and then you’re free to experiment. There’s also a bonus ‘Hard Mode’ to discover, too.

Does Undertale swear?

Swearing: The only swear words that are used are “Hell” and “Damn”. Nothing big to worry about. Violence: This should be obvious. If you don’t hurt people, there is no violence, if you do, there is.

Is Undertale a virus?

Since the game is a virus, there are doppelgängers of every boss monster in a virtual version. These viruses aren’t part of the game and can’t be seen, heard or felt. They also can’t interact with the gameworld and live in it’s code.


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