What happens if you kill Samara me2?

What happens if you kill Samara me2?

If Samara is killed, Morinth then replaces her mother on Shepard’s team. Their strong family resemblance (helped along with Morinth’s skill in mimicking her mother) means no one aboard the Normandy SR-2 realizes Samara has been replaced by Morinth; only Shepard knows the truth.

What happens if I save Morinth?

Morinth will attempt to stop Commander Shepard from killing her, saying that she could be an asset to Shepard’s squad. If Shepard helps Samara, Morinth will die. Of course, this means helping Morinth leads to Samara dying and Morinth will take her place on the Normandy.

Is Samara a romance option?

It’s considered a Semi-Serious Romance, which for Samara means that while it won’t jeopardize a Romance with any other characters and has no Romance Scene, in Mass Effect 3 it can’t be continued if you’re in a Romance with any other characters. The most notable thing about this relationship is that it’s very long-term.

How do you keep Samara loyal?

Distract Morinth

  1. Killing Morinth will make Samara Loyal to you, unlock the Reave power, and give you +30 Paragon Points.
  2. Killing Samara will make Morinth Loyal to you, unlock the Dominate power, and give you a whopping +45 Renegade Points.

Can you romance Morinth without dying?

Morinth is considered “a fling”, and thus will not jeopardize a romance with anyone else in the game.

Is it better to have Samara or Morinth?

If you’ve resisted, choosing to help Morinth will provide a huge Renegade boost since she’ll be free to continue killing mates, while choosing Samara will give a significant Paragon boost as you make the universe a little bit safer.

Who is Samara in Mass Effect 2?

Samara appears starting in Mass Effect 2 after coming into contact with Commander Shepard, who is hoping to recruit the Asari onto the Normandy’s crew. Samara has been chasing down her daughter Morinth for hundreds of years.

What happens if you kill Samara and Morinth?

If you decide to kill Samara, Morinth will be the one to finish her. After the events, Morinth will disguise herself as Samara, and join you in her place on the Normandy. This will make her loyal to you, giving her better odds of surviving the Suicide Mission.

Will Morinth return in Mass Effect 3?

Whereas Samara will return to help fight off the Reapers in Mass Effect 3, Morinth will barely appear in the story. She sends an email to Commander Shepard but does not help their side of the fight.

Who is Samara’s daughter Morinth in the Witcher 3?

The adventure begins with Samara revealing that she’s tracked down her biggest target: her daughter Morinth. It turns out that Morinth is an Ardat-Yakshi, which means that anyone she melds minds with dies. She uses her genetic condition as a weapon to kill any individual that she wants.


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