What happens to Lord Zash?

What happens to Lord Zash?

Val killed Zash’s body, but the Dark Lord’s spirit entered the Dashade and occupied it as a vessel instead. Although Zash indeed managed to live on, to her great ire she did not have full control over the new body and instead was forced to share it with Val’s consciousness.

Can you marry Ashara zavros?

Romance. Ashara can be romanced by the male Sith Inquisitor. She will only progress her courtship status with the player if the player chooses to make the more rational choices (usually light-sided), rather than choosing those of malice and cruelty (dark-sided).

Does Ashara zavros turn to the dark side?

Ashara Zavros is also very exciting because she is a Jedi Knight turned to the dark side of the force, and she is able to wield 2 lightsabers and complement the backstab and other abilities of the Sith assassin.

Who trained ZASH?

Darth Zash

Biographical information
Mentor(s) Spindrall
Apprentice(s) Kallig Corrin Kaal
Faction(s) Sith Empire
Affiliation(s) Sith Empire

Who is Lord Kallig?

Aloysius Kallig was a male Sith Lord of the Old Sith Empire. Like many ancient Sith, his name was all but forgotten. The only known mention of Kallig was in the writings of the famous Dark Lord of the Sith Tulak Hord, who noted him as the greatest of his rivals.

Are you Darth Nox?

Darkside outcome (completely selfish and completely sadistic without reason) = Darth Nox = means “Night”, you are Darth Darkness what more needs to be said. well actually Imperious does not mean empire, in english it means bossy, demanding, etc.

Who is the most powerful Sith in the Star Wars universe?

Yoda was a wise, experienced, and powerful Grand Master of the Jedi of an unknown species and the oldest known prophet (at least 900+ years) in existence, considered the wisest and most powerful Jedi Master within the Star Wars universe.

Is Star Wars The Last Jedi feminist?

“The Last Jedi” is the most ferociously feminist “Star Wars” film yet. In the prequels, Padmé was a queen and, later, a senator who inspired hope in her people. After that, The Force Awakens introduced us to Rey, who promptly showed she was much more than a Jakku scavenger, but instead one with the Force — and General Leia was along for the ride.

Who is the Sith Lord in Star Wars?

Emperor Palpatine. Palpatine is a fictional character in George Lucas’s science fiction saga Star Wars. He is known as the Emperor of the Galactic Empire and as the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious.

Who is the female Jedi in Star Wars?

Aayla Secura, a Force-sensitive Rutian Twi’lek female, was a Jedi Master who served as a Jedi General of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.


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