What happens when you mix Coca Cola and Mentos?

What happens when you mix Coca Cola and Mentos?

As the Mentos candy sinks in the bottle, the candy causes the production of more and more carbon dioxide bubbles, and the rising bubbles react with carbon dioxide that is still dissolved in the soda to cause more carbon dioxide to be freed and create even more bubbles, resulting in the eruption.

Does regular Coke work with Mentos?

Any Carbonated Beverage Works The trick works with any carbonated beverage. It works with regular cola, orange soda, root beer, etc. It’s actually very cool when performed with tonic water under a black light because you get a glowing blue fountain.

Which soda works best with Mentos?

Believe it or not, research scientists have actually concluded that Diet Coke produces the best stream of flying soda (much to the joy of the Mentos Experiment enthusiasts).

What can you use instead of Mentos in Coke?

You can substitute another candy for the Mentos, such as M&Ms or Skittles, but ideally, you want candies that stack into a neat column with minimal space between them, have a chalky consistency, and barely fit through the mouth of a 2-liter bottle.

What can you put in Coke to make it explode?

Step 1: Remove the lid from the Diet Coke and set it the bottle of soda on a flat surface. Step 2: Roll the paper into a tube around a pack of Mentos mints, tape it into place and pull it off of the roll of mints. Step 3: Hold your finger over one end of the paper tube and have your child fill it up with Mentos mints.

What to mix with Coke to make it explode?

Transform an ordinary day into an extraordinary one by combining Diet Coke and Mentos to create a spectacular soda fountain. Kids love watching (and doing) this fun, easy chemical reaction that combines two delicious ingredients to create a geyser of carbon dioxide bubbles.

Will chewy Mentos work with Coke?

This is an urban myth. It’s true that putting Mentos into a bottle of Coke will cause an impressive geyser of soda to erupt from the bottle. However, you won’t get the same effect from eating Mentos after drinking Coke. But the rough coating of the candy begins to dissolve the moment you eat it.

What drinks explode with Mentos?

A Diet Coke and Mentos eruption (also known as a soda geyser) is a reaction between the carbonated beverage Diet Coke and Mentos mints that causes the beverage to be expelled from its container.

Does baking soda react with coke?

The alkaline baking soda reacts with the phosphoric acid in cola which rapidly breaks down into carbon dioxide and causes the eruption from a closed container.

Apa yang terjadi ketika Mentos masuk ke sebotol Coca-Cola?

Semburan yang terjadi ketika mentos dimasukan ke dalam sebotol Coca-Cola terjadi karena banyaknya gelembung gas karbon dioksida yang terbentuk secara tiba-tiba sehingga menimbulkan tekanan yang besar.

Apakah ledakan yang paling kencang dengan Mentos Mint?

Hasilnya, Diet Coke menyebabkan ledakan yang paling kencang dengan Mentos mint atau buah. Seperti ditulis di American Journal of Physics edisi 2008, semburan tersebut bisa mencapai tujuh meter secara horizontal. Namun, penggunaan Diet Coke bebas kafein juga sama hebat efeknya.

Mengapa Mentos menghasilkan semburan yang paling tinggi?

Hal ini menjelaskan kenapa Diet Coke (mengandung aspartam) menghasilkan semburan yang paling tinggi dibandingkan Coca-Cola classic yang mengandung gula biasa. Selain itu, permukaan Mentos juga mengandung surfactant (surface acting agent) dari permen karet arab (gum arabic).

Apakah botol Mentos ditutup dengan roket?

Bahkan, jika satu selongsong Mentos dimasukkan ke botol Diet Coke, botol ditutup lalu dikocok-kocok dan dilempar, botol tersebut bisa melambung tinggi seperti roket! Orang-orang awam berspekulasi bahwa hal ini disebabkan oleh Coca-Cola yang bersifat asam.


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