What industry is Nike?

What industry is Nike?

Nike, Inc.

Nike World Headquarters near Beaverton, Oregon
Industry Apparel Accessories Sports equipment
Founded January 25, 1964
Founders Bill Bowerman Phil Knight
Headquarters Beaverton, Oregon, U.S.

When was Nike founded?

January 25, 1964, Eugene, OR

What is Nike’s main business?

Our principal business activity is the design, development and worldwide marketing of high quality footwear, apparel, equipment, and accessory products. NIKE is the largest seller of athletic footwear and athletic apparel in the world.

Is Jordan its own brand or part of Nike?

Air Jordan is an American brand of basketball shoes, athletic, casual, and style clothing produced by Nike. Founded in Chicago, Air Jordan was created for Hall of Fame former basketball player Michael Jordan during his time with the Chicago Bulls.

Where can I buy Nike products in Japan?

A Nike Store in Harajuku, Tokyo, Japan Nike Kicks Lounge in Harbour City, Hong Kong Nike, originally known as Blue Ribbon Sports (BRS), was founded by University of Oregon track athlete Phil Knight and his coach, Bill Bowerman, on January 25, 1964.

Where are Nike’s brands based?

Based in Beaverton, Oregon, NIKE, Inc. includes the Nike, Converse, and Jordan brands.

Is Nike in unincorporated Washington County?

Nike’s world headquarters are surrounded by the city of Beaverton but are within unincorporated Washington County. The city attempted to forcibly annex Nike’s headquarters, which led to a lawsuit by Nike, and lobbying by the company that ultimately ended in Oregon Senate Bill 887 of 2005.

What countries does Nike use sweatshops?

Nike has been criticized for contracting with factories (known as Nike sweatshops) in countries such as China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Mexico. Vietnam Labor Watch, an activist group, has documented that factories contracted by Nike have violated minimum wage and overtime laws in Vietnam as late as 1996,…


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