What information is found in column 2 of the HMT?

What information is found in column 2 of the HMT?

proper shipping names
Column 2 of the HMT contains proper shipping names are found in Column 2. Look closely at the two types of lettering, Roman and Italic. Proper shipping names are written in Roman type only. It is critical that the proper shipping name be spelled correctly on shipping papers.

When looking at column 2 of the hazmat table How do you know what is the proper shipping name for a hazardous material?

To select a proper shipping name, refer to column 2 of the hazardous materials table at 49 CFR 172.101 and look for a shipping name that most specifically corresponds to the material to be shipped.

How many hazmat tables are there?

A HazMat’s location on one of the two tables will play a significant role in determining which – if any – placards are required to be displayed on the vehicle transporting it.

Are there new international hazmat placards?

Placard Size – For international harmonization, PHMSA is authorizing the use of placards measuring at least 250 mm (9.84 inches) on each side. This is smaller than the current standard of 273 mm (10.8 inches) on each side. The Hazardous Materials Regulations will continue to permit the use of the larger placard sizes.

What is the correct order for the hazmat proper shipping name?

The Basic Description must be placed on a shipping paper in the sequence called for in §172.202(b) of the HMR. An easy way to remember the sequence is to use the acronym “ISHP”: I-Identification Number, S-Proper Shipping Name, H-Hazard Class or Division, and P-Packing Group.

What is a hazardous materials Table (Table)?

(a) The Hazardous Materials Table (Table) in this section designates the materials listed therein as hazardous materials for the purpose of transportation of those materials. For each listed material, the Table identifies the hazard class or specifies that

What is the purpose of the Hazardous Materials table 49 CFR 172?

§172.101 :Hazardous Materials Table 49 CFR 172 1 Subpart B Table of Hazardous Materials and Special Provisions §172.101 Purpose and use of hazardous materials table. (a) The Hazardous Materials Table (Table) in this section designates the materials listed therein as hazardous materials for the purpose of transportation of those materials.

When is a hazardous material subject to the HMR?

(A) Means the hazardous material described in Column 2 is subject to the HMR only when offered or intended for transport by air unless it is a hazardous substance or hazardous waste.

What is the proper shipping name for hazardous waste?

Hazardous wastes. If the word “waste” is not included in the hazardous material description in Column 2 of the Table, the proper shipping name for a hazardous waste (as defined in §171.8 of this subchapter), shall include the word “Waste” preceding the proper shipping name of the material. For example: Waste acetone.


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