What is 85% as a fraction simplified?

What is 85% as a fraction simplified?

The decimal 0.85 can be converted to the fraction 85100 , by definition of a decimal. This fraction, 85100 , however, is not in simplest form. The fraction can be simplified to 1720 , as both the numerator (top) and denominator (bottom) of the fraction are divisible by 5.

What is 84 percent as a fraction in simplest form?

We represent 84% with the fraction 84/100, which reduces to 21/25.

What is 80% as a fraction in simplest form?

Answer: 80% as a fraction in simplest form is 4/5.

What is 85 percent as a decimal?

The other method is to take the percent total, divide it by 100 and, of course, remove the percent sign. Example: Using 75.6% again, the conversion of 0.756 is found by dividing 75.6 by 100 (75.6/100)….Table of Conversions.

Percent Decimal
75% 0.75
80% 0.80
85% 0.85
90% 0.90

What is the simplest form of 85 10?

Therefore, 85/10 simplified to lowest terms is 17/2.

How do you write 80 percent?

80% is the same thing as 80 out of 100 , which can be written as a fraction as 80100 .

What is 80% as a decimal?

Example Values

Percent Decimal Fraction
80% 0.8 4/5
90% 0.9 9/10
99% 0.99 99/100
100% 1

What is the binary number for 85?

So the binary represenation of 85 is 1010101.

What is 0.50% as a fraction?

Answer: 0.5 as a fraction is written as 1/2.

How do you convert fraction into simplest form?

A fraction is in simplest form when the top and bottom cannot be any smaller, while still being whole numbers. To simplify a fraction: divide the top and bottom by the greatest number that will divide both numbers exactly (they must stay whole numbers).

How do you write fractions in simple form?

When writing fractions in simplest form, there are two rules to follow: Ask if the numerator and denominator can be divided by the same number, which is called a common factor. See if at least one number in the fraction is a prime number.

How do you calculate percentage of a fraction?

To display a percentage as a fraction, divide the number of percent by 100 to give you . Then simplify the fraction by dividing each number by 20, yielding .

How to convert a percentage to a fraction?

Divide the percentage by 100 to get a decimal number.

  • Use that number as the numerator (top) of a fraction. Put a 1 in the denominator (bottom) of the fraction.
  • Convert the decimal to a whole number: Count how many places are to the right of the decimal.
  • Reduce the fraction: Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of the numerator and denominator and reduce the fraction by dividing both numerator and denominator by the GCF.
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