What is a 527 organization?

What is a 527 organization?

An organization that anticipates annual gross receipts of less than $25,000 NOTE: All political committees that register and file reports with the Federal Election Commission are 527 organizations, but not all 527s are federally registered political committees. For more information on 527 organizations, please visit the IRS web site.

What are the different types of 527s?

The most common types of 527s are those affiliated with interest groups, unions or associations of elected officials, such as the Republican Governors Association. Many of them have associated federal and sate political committees, and some are affiliated with other non-profit organizations.

What does 527 mean on a tax return?

527 Basics. The term “527” refers to political organizations as identified in their tax filings with the Internal Revenue Service. The number “527” refers to the section of the tax code that governs such entities.

Can 527s support or oppose federal candidates?

On the federal level, 527s cannot coordinate with or contribute to a federal candidate in any way. They also may not expressly advocate for the election or defeat of a specific federal candidate, although 527s are quite free to portray federal candidates in such a way that there is little doubt as to the message. Can 527s help state candidates?

Political organizations that claim tax-exempt status under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code are referred to as “527 organizations” or “527s.”

Are 527 groups allowed to coordinate with political campaigns?

Under federal election law, coordination between an election campaign and a 527 group is not allowed. The heavy spending of key 527 groups to attack presidential candidates brought complaints to the Federal Elections Commission of illegal coordination between the groups and rival political campaigns.

What is the difference between a 527 and a federal PAC?

A federal PAC is, by definition, a 527, but not all 527s are federal PACs. Political organizations that claim tax-exempt status under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code are referred to as “527 organizations” or “527s.”

What is an example of a 527 form?

Examples of 527s are Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, The Media Fund, America Coming Together, the Progress for America Voter Fund, and the Secretary of State Project. Internal Revenue Code section 527 was enacted as part of Public Law No. 93-625 on January 3, 1975.


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