What is a Aboriginal woomera?

What is a Aboriginal woomera?

A woomera or throwing stick was used by Aboriginal boys and men in all parts of Australia to propel spears with great force, often over considerable distances.

How was the woomera traditionally used?

The woomera can chop meat, kill animals, can be used as a spear thrower and can be used to chop wood to make shelters. This woomera was made recently but is very similar to the ones made thousands of years ago. There are several types of woomeras because they are used by different clans and tribes.

What does an Aboriginal woomera look like?

Aboriginal woomera from the South of Western Australia are leaf shaped and not incised. They have a bone peg at the top attached by animal sinew and often have an asymmetric spinifex resin handle. They are flat and not convex like Woomeras from the desert regions of Western Australia.

What is an Aboriginal woomera made of?

Spear Thrower/Woomera A spear thrower is also commonly known as a Woomera or Miru. The spear thrower is usually made from mulga wood and has a multi-function purpose.

What was spear throwing used for?

Its purpose is to give greater velocity and force to the spear. In use from prehistoric times, the spear-thrower was used to efficiently fell animals as large as the mammoth. Usually constructed of wood, bamboo, bone, or antler, the spear-thrower performs the function of an extra joint in the arm.

How far can an Aboriginal throw a spear?

Spear thrower Facts A human can throw a spear 120 feet or 35 meters using a spear thrower and consistently hit a small kangaroo sized target.

Are Atlatls legal in Australia?

Most knives, axes, machetes, swords, and walking sticks are not prohibited in Australia, though swords owners are required to have a license in Victoria. The classic atlatl or woomera spear throwing stick is not mentioned.

How far can a woomera throw?

A Woomera is an aboriginal tool that enables a user to throw a spear further and faster. A human can throw a spear 120 feet or 35 meters using a spear thrower and consistently hit a small kangaroo sized target.

Are spear throwers legal?

NSW: Slingshots are illegal in NSW and can’t be sold (with exception for Pocket Shot Slingshot as it is not ‘y’ frame).

How far can a woomera throw a spear?


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