What is a areola called?

What is a areola called?

Areolae: The areola is the circular dark-colored area of skin surrounding the nipple. Areolae have glands called Montgomery’s glands that secrete a lubricating oil.

What is the significance of areola?

…and radiating muscles in the areola, a circular disk of roughened pigmented skin surrounding the nipple, cause the nipple to become firm and erect upon tactile stimulation; this facilitates suckling. The areola also contains sebaceous glands to provide lubrication for the nipple during nursing.

What is the ideal areola?

In surgical procedures in which the size of the nipple areolar complex will be altered, a final diameter of 35–45 mm is typically recommended.

What does the color of nipples mean?

Why do nipples change color? First of all, nipples naturally differ in colors based on the person and their unique skin tone, which is affected by the amount of melanin (natural pigment produced by skin cells) they have. “The more melanin that you have in the area of your nipples, the darker they will be,” says Dr.

Why do breasts sag before marriage?

A female breast is made up of fatty tissues and glands that produce milk. These tissues and glands are covered with skin that is naturally flexible due to the presence of a protein called elastin. But when the elasticity of the breast skin is put under pressure, the breasts tend to sag.

Why do my nipples wrinkle when they get hard?

Often, wrinkled nipples are temporary, caused by changes in hormones, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or for some people, even changing temperatures and sensations. Sun exposure, smoking, and other factors may also cause nipples (and the rest of the body) to wrinkle.

What is the meaning of aréole?

A small, specialized, cushionlike area on a cactus from which hairs, glochids, spines, branches, or flowers may arise. [French aréole, from Latin āreola, small space; see areola .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

What does it mean to be ethical?

“Being ethical is doing what the law requires.” “Ethics consists of the standards of behavior our society accepts.” “I don’t know what the word means.” These replies might be typical of our own. The meaning of “ethics” is hard to pin down, and the views many people have about ethics are shaky.

What is the meaning of the word aureole?

1a : a radiant light around the head or body of a representation of a sacred personage. b : something resembling an aureole an aureole of hair.

What is an areole on a cactus?

Definition of areole. : a round or elongated often raised or depressed area on a cactus which is equivalent to a bud and from which spines, flowers, stems, or roots grow.


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