What is a channel vocoder?

What is a channel vocoder?

A channel vocoder is a device for compressing, or encoding, the data needed to represent a speech waveform, while still retaining the intelligibilty of the original waveform. The first channel vocoder was developed by Homer Dudley in 1936. It passed the speech signal through a bank of band-pass filters.

Who popularized vocoder?

Homer Dudley
The vocoder was invented in 1938 by Homer Dudley at Bell Labs as a means of synthesizing human speech. This work was developed into the channel vocoder which was used as a voice codec for telecommunications for coding speech to conserve bandwidth in transmission.

What does a vocoder do?

A vocoder is an audio effect that lets you impose the dynamics and changing spectral content of one sound (the modulator) onto another (the carrier). The modulator is usually the human voice, speaking or singing, while the carrier is usually a bright synthesizer.

What is a vocoder track?

Vocoder… synthesizes a modulator (usually a voice) in the left channel of a stereo track with a carrier wave in the right channel to produce a modified version of the left channel. Other carriers can be used for subtly different voices, such as a sawtooth tone, a musical tone or a synthesized string chord.

Who invented the voice changer?

Anyone there? The vocoder didn’t actually start life as a musical instrument. Instead, in the 1920s, Homer Dudley at Bell Labs created a device whose function was to make it easier to transmit telephone conversations over long distances by reducing bandwidth.

When was the first vocoder invented?

The wall of knobs assigned this task was the vocoder, a massive walk-in closet of cryptology invented by Bell Labs in 1928. The vocoder divided the voice into its constituent frequencies, spread across ten channels, and transmitted them through band pass filters.

When was the vocoder invented?


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