What is a close reach?

What is a close reach?

Definition of close reach : a reach sailed by a ship with the wind well forward of the beam but not as close-hauled as possible.

What is it called when a boat arrives?

dock. verb. if a ship docks, it arrives at a dock.

What is boat beaching?

Beaching is the process in which a ship or boat is laid ashore, or grounded deliberately in shallow water. This is more usual with small flat-bottomed boats. Larger ships may be beached deliberately; for instance, in an emergency, a damaged ship might be beached to prevent it from sinking in deep water.

What is meant by the term broaching to in ship?

Broaching-to phenomena occurs when operating in following seas and when the speed of the waves is the same or faster than the ship’s speed. It often results in a ship losing steerage when it is being accelerated forwards on the steep forefront of a high wave, which is then followed by surf-riding.

What does sailing a reach before a following sea mean?

Sailing on a reach means the wind is coming from abeam, straight from the side, the best point of sail. Before a following sea is just what it sounds like.

What are the three points of sailing?

Reaching can be divided into three different courses, Beam Reaching, where the wind comes across the boat at a 90-degree angle, Close Reaching as the course gets closer to close hauled and Broad Reaching where the course is further downwind beyond the 90-degree mark.

What is the word for a ship leaving port?

Departure. The time at which your ship leaves a port. Disembark.

What do you call unloading a ship?

transshipment: The unloading of cargo at a port or point where it is then reloaded, sometimes into another mode of transportation, for transfer to a final destination.

What does sailing term reach mean?

In between is called reaching, with a broad reach meaning the boat is almost running, a ~ meaning that the wind is coming from the side, and a close reach meaning the boat is sailing against the wind. REACH-Points of sailing between running and pointing close-hauled. Close reach, sailing nearly close-hauled.

What is a broad reach sailing?

A “broad reach” is a course further away from the true wind than a beam reach but above a run. In a broad reach, the wind is coming from behind the sailing craft at an angle. This represents a range of wind angles between beam reach and running downwind .

What is broad reach sailing?

In points of sail that range from close-hauled to a broad reach, sails act substantially like a wing, with lift predominantly propelling the craft. In points of sail from a broad reach to down wind, sails act substantially like a parachute, with drag predominantly propelling the craft.

What is sailing terminology?

Sailing Terms Glossary. Fathom: A unit of length used to measure depth, equal to six feet. Feathering: Sailing a fine directional line between two points of sail, usually close hauled and irons. Fend off: A command given to the crew to manually prevent the boat with colliding with something, usually at low speed.


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