What is a example of sententia?

What is a example of sententia?

Sententia (sen-TEN-chee-uh): Figure of argument in which a wise, witty, or pithy maxim or aphorism is used to sum up the preceding material. Examples. “We are now well into our fifth year since a policy was initiated with the avowed object and confident purpose of putting an end to slavery agitation.

How do I use sententia?

Examples and Observations

  1. “It is best to insert sententiae discreetly, that we may be viewed as judicial advocates, not moral instructors.”
  2. “A man’s as miserable as he thinks he is.”
  3. “No man is laughable who laughs at himself.”
  4. “Things forbidden have a secret charm.”

What is the meaning of sententia in English?

Definition of sententia : aphorism —usually used in plural.

Why do authors use sententia?

Sententia usually comes at the end of the argument to help summarize and reinforce it in a powerful way.

What is the purpose of a Procatalepsis?

Procatalepsis, also called prolepsis or prebuttal, is a figure of speech in which the speaker raises an objection to their own argument and then immediately answers it. By doing so, they hope to strengthen their argument by dealing with possible counter-arguments before their audience can raise them.

What tone did Patrick Henry establish in his speech why?

Patrick Henry’s tone is persuasive because he tells the attendees of the convention that they have done all that they can without having to fight to fix it: “Sir, we have done everything that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on” (4).

What strategies does Patrick Henry use in his speech?

Rhetorical Question, asking a question with an obvious answer. Rhetorical Strategies are used in the “Give me Liberty or give me Death!” speech. Patrick Henry persuades by pathos, ethos, metaphor, allusion, imagery, logos (logic) to express the themes of freedom, equality, and independence.


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