What is a GEAR UP student?

What is a GEAR UP student?

The GEAR UP program is a discretionary grant program that supports efforts to increase the number of low-income students that obtain a secondary school diploma and prepare for and succeed in postsecondary education.

What is the Palomar Promise program?

The Palomar Promise offers up to two years of free tuition, textbook assistance, and access to specialized academic and career planning with related support services to first-time college students who meet the eligibility requirements.

How much does Palomar College charge per unit?

The Palomar campus is located in San Marcos, California, approximately 30 miles north of San Diego. Palomar enrolls approximately 25,000 full-time and part-time students. Residents of California are charged only $46 per unit.

How do I get the Palomar promise?

A student must agree to actively engage in the Palomar Promise program by enrolling in a minimum of 12 units per semester, meet with a Counselor to establish a student education plan, maintain a 2.0 GPA while attending Palomar College, and adhere to the Promise Success Agreement.

Is GEAR UP a federal program?

Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) is a competitive federal program that provides six- and seven-year grants to education/community partnerships and states to increase the number of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education.

What is a GEAR UP scholarship?

GEAR UP provides six-year or seven years grants to states and partnerships to provide services at high-poverty middle and high schools. GEAR UP grantees serve an entire cohort of students beginning no later than the seventh grade and follow the cohort through high school.

Is MiraCosta free?

The MiraCosta Promise offers two years of free college to qualifying students.

How much is a semester at Palomar College?

Estimated Cost Per Semester

California Resident Tuition Per Semester $644
California Resident Total Cost Per Semester $11,833
Non-California Resident Tuition Per Semester $4,424
Non-California Resident Total Cost Per Semester $15,613

How much is a course at Palomar?

Credit Hour Cost and Price per Class

Price Per Credit 3 Credit Class
California Residents $46 $138
Out of State Residents $311 $933

How do I get into Palomar College?

Any person who meets one of the following requirements is eligible to attend Palomar College: • Has graduated from an accredited high school • Is a non-high school graduate 18 years of age or older • Has passed the California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE), or Certificate of Equivalency (G.E.D.)

Is GEAR UP a trio program?

Foremost among these programs are the federal Trio programs and the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Program (GEAR UP). GEAR UP includes a scholarship component, while Trio provides financial aid counseling and work-study employment.


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