What is a good marathon time for a first time runner?

What is a good marathon time for a first time runner?

So, for a man, anything under 4 hours could be considered a good marathon time, putting you in the top 43% of runners. For women, a time under 4 hours and 30 minutes would similarly be very good.

What are marathon splits?

Splits. A race’s total time divided into smaller parts (usually miles), is known as the splits. If a runner has an even split, it means they ran the same pace through the entire race. If it’s a negative split, they ran the second half faster than the first. And that’s a good thing!

How much faster do you run on race day marathon?

For a successful marathon race, you should target a pace that is 10 to 15 seconds per mile slower than your goal marathon pace for the first 3 or 4 miles.

What is the average speed for a marathon runner?

Originally Answered: What is the average speed for a marathon runner? the average pace for a male marathon runner is 6.43 minutes per kilometer, which works out as 10.34 minutes per mile. The average pace for a female runner over 26.2 miles is 7.26 minutes per kilometer, or an 11.55 minute mile.

How fast do Olympic marathoners run?

The Olympic men’s record is 2:06:32, set at the 2008 Summer Olympics by Samuel Kamau Wanjiru of Kenya (average speed about 20.01 kilometres per hour or 12.43 miles per hour). The Olympic women’s record is 2:23:07, set at the 2012 Summer Olympics by Tiki Gelana of Ethiopia.

How long should it take to run 5km?

Many runners complete a 5K in 30 to 40 minutes, and many runners are satisfied with their time if it’s around this benchmark. The average walker finishes a 5K in 45 to 60 minutes.

What is the average marathon finish time?

Average Marathon Finishing Time. In terms of average marathon times, the median marathon finishing time in 2016 for men in U.S. marathons was 4:22:07 (9:59 minutes per mile pace), according to Running USA. The median finishing time for women was 4:47:40 (10:58 minutes per mile pace).

What is a negative split in a marathon?

Negative Splits. Negative splitting refers to running the second half of a race faster than the first. So, for instance, if you’re running a marathon and you run the first 13.1 miles in 2:01:46, and then run the second 13.1 miles in 1:59:30, then you ran a negative split. If your second half is slower, however, it’s called a positive split.

How fast would you run a marathon?

Most men finish a marathon in under 4.5 hours. Most women finish in just under 5 hours . If your time is around this mark, be satisfied with your results. You can compare your goal or actual marathon time to the averages for your age and sex.

What is the fastest half marathon time?

The fastest half marathon in a suit is 1 hr 18 min 10 sec and was achieved by Michael Tozer (Australia) at the Westlink M7 Blacktown Running Festival, in Blacktown, New South Wales, Australia, on 31 July 2016.


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