What is a good Superfatting level for soap making?

What is a good Superfatting level for soap making?

Some soapmakers go up to 15% and swear by it. It also depends on the recipe. For instance, we recommend superfatting coconut oil soap at 20% so it isn’t too harsh on the skin. Experimenting with a few different superfats is the best way to find the amount you love.

What percentage of soap is Superfat?

Oil that’s not turned into soap by the sodium hydroxide lye is called the “superfat.” An average superfat is anywhere from about 1-7%. The higher the superfat, the more “free-floating” oils in the soap. The terms “superfat” and “lye discount” can be used interchangeably.

Is lye discount and Superfat the same thing?

The terms “superfat” and “lye discount” can be used interchangeably. This is because in order to create a superfat, you use less lye in the recipe. Extra oil creates a more gentle bar, but it can also make the bar softer.

What is longevity in soap?

The longevity (and hardness) of the soap is correlated with the quantity of the least soluble fatty acids. Those fatty acids are mainly Palmitic acid and Stearic acid. I usually go for a ratio of 2:1 palmitic:stearic acid in the fatty acid profile of the soap.

What are Superfatting agents?

Superfatting is either adding extra oil into the formula or discounting some of the lye used, so that there will be oil within the soap that has not saponified, that is oil that has not turned into soap.

What is the best Superfat in cold process soap?

A superfat of 1% to 3% is good safety margin. The second reason is to increase the mildness of the soap on the skin. Soap sometimes cleans so well that it dries or irritates the skin. Increasing the superfat above the 1% to 3% safety margin can help tame this tendency.

What is Superfatting in soap?

Superfatting is the process of using less lye (or more fat) than industry standards so that there’s some leftover oil in the soap that’s not bound to lye. This leaves behind more unsaponified fat, providing more moisture in the soap. Every oil requires a different amount of lye to turn it into soap.

What are the benefits of Superfatting?

The Reason for Superfatting The first is, a small amount of extra “free” oil in the soap adds extra moisturizing qualities to the soap. This can often be referred to as “emollient” qualities. Basically, it makes the soap more moisturizing to the skin.

What does Superfatting mean in soap making?

Should I Superfat my soap?

The Reason for Superfatting Basically, it makes the soap more moisturizing to the skin. Another common reason is that by superfatting your soap recipe, you will have a bit of a “fudge factor.” Having extra lye in your soap is a. Additionally, many oils will vary slightly in their true SAP (saponification value).

What oil gives soap longevity?

olive oil
The longer the bar cures, the better. This is especially true for soap made with mostly (or all) olive oil, also known as Castile soap. Castile soap benefits from a longer curing time of abut six months to a full year. The longer Castile soap cures, the less “slimy” the lather feels.

How long does cold process soap last?

about 4 to 6 weeks
To sum up the answer to the question: “When can I use my soap?” in the most commonly known and widely familiar response: You’re free to use your cold process soaps in about 4 to 6 weeks; as soon as the bars have reached full cure.

What is superfatting in soap making?

Superfatting is either adding an extra amount of oil to your soap recipe but keeping the lye amount the same, or using the same amount of oil and less lye. For example, using 9 1/2 ounces of lye instead of 10 ounces would amount to percent superfatting. The Reason for Superfatting

How much Lye do I add to soap to make it superfat?

You can also use the following equation: (1 – % superfat you want). So, if you want to superfat your olive oil soap in the above example by 4%, it would be: (1.34 oz. lye) x (1 – .04) = 1.29 oz. lye. You can also simplify that – for a one pound batch of soap, a 5% superfat works out roughly to 0.8 oz. of extra oils per pound of soap.

What is superfatting and is it safe?

Superfatting builds in some safety if your scale is not completely precise. Having a little extra oil in the recipe assures that every one of the lye molecules will have more than enough opportunity to pair up with an oil molecule. The thing you need to watch out for with superfatting is that while soap doesn’t spoil quickly, oil does.

What is the best percentage of superfat for cooking?

Once you have a recipe you like, you may also want to experiment with a higher or lower superfat percentage. Try a batch at 3 percent and try a batch at 10 percent and see which outcome you prefer. Some people and/or recipes will suggest holding out your most luxurious oils or butter to add in at trace as the “superfat” oils.


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