What is a lung azygos lobe?

What is a lung azygos lobe?

An azygos lobe is a rare, anatomical variant of the upper lobe of the right lung found in approximately 1% of anatomic specimens and 0.4% of chest radiographs [1]. Normally, the posterior cardinal vein migrates over the apex of the right lung to its final position in the mediastinum.

What is an azygos lobe fissure?

An azygos lobe is a normal variant that develops when a laterally displaced azygos vein creates a deep pleural fissure into the apical segment of the right upper lobe during embryological development.

What causes azygos lobe?

The azygos lobe is formed when the right posterior cardinal vein, which is one of the precursors of the azygos vein penetrates the right lung apex, rather than migrating over it. The cardinal vein carries both pleural layers with it, resulting in entrapment of a portion of the right upper lobe.

Is azygos lobe rare?

Azygos lobe is a very rare but normal anatomic variant of right upper lobe seen in only 0.4% of population radiologically and in 1% specimen during anatomical dissection [1,2].

What does the word azygos mean?

Azygos (impar), from the Greek άζυξ, refers to an anatomical structure that is unpaired. This is relatively unusual, as most elements of anatomy reflect bilateral symmetry.

Is azygos fissure normal?

The azygos vein, located at the bottom of the fissure, is visible as a teardrop-shaped opacity [2]. The incidence of this normal variant is estimated between 0.4% and 1.2% [2; 4]. Accessory pulmonary fissures, including the azygos fissure, are known to affect up to 50% of the population.

Is Azygos fissure normal?

What is accessory azygos fissure?

Accessory fissures of the lung usually occur at the borders of bronchopulmonary segments. They are common normal variants but are less commonly seen on imaging. Some of the more common accessory fissure include 1: azygos fissure: most commonly seen accessory fissure.

Where does azygos vein drain into?

superior vena cava
The azygos vein usually arises either from the lumbar azygos vein or from the posterior side of inferior vena cava around the level of renal veins. It passes through the diaphragm, reaches the mediastinum and finally drains into the superior vena cava.

What are the possible complications of a bronchoscopy?

Complications may be related to the procedure itself or to the sedative or topical numbing medicine. Bleeding. Bleeding is more likely if a biopsy was taken. Usually, bleeding is minor and stops without treatment. Collapsed lung. In rare cases, an airway may be injured during bronchoscopy.

What is the prevalence of the azygos lobe?

The azygos lobe is a rare anatomical variant, most often encountered in the right lung [1-2]. Its prevalence in the clinical setting is 0.4%, and 1% in anatomical dissections [1].

Can azygos vein cause tightness in the chest?

Sometimes, aneurysms of the vein may develop and lead to symptoms of pressure or tightness in the chest [8]. The azygos lobe is a rare anatomical variant resulting from a failure in the migration of the azygos vein during the embryonic development.

What are the side effects of a diagnostic lung biopsy?

Diagnostic sampling may lead to immediate, although rare, complications, such as intrabronchial bleeding, bronchospasm, and pneumothorax. In addition, some discomfort may be felt in the days after the procedure, such as fever, sore throat, cough, or reactions to the medications used ( 1 ).


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