What is a mirror transaction?

What is a mirror transaction?

Mirror Transaction means, with respect to an Identified Transaction, an OTC Derivative Transaction that is identical to the Identified Transaction but in which Transferor is in the position taken by the Remaining Party in such Identified Transaction and the Transferee is in the position taken by the Transferor in such …

What is a CICS mirror transaction?

The remote system attaches one of the CICS-supplied mirror transactions, which all use the mirror program, DFHMIRS. A mirror transaction runs the request from the initiating transaction and returns to the local system the response code and any control fields and data that are associated with the request.

Is Mirror trading legal?

Mirror trading takes place at international currency or stock markets. This trading method is not prohibited by definition. It is possible to make a legal profit, for example by trading on foreign exchange markets using exchange rate fluctuations. This is known as Forex trading (Foreign Exchange).

How do mirror trades work?

Mirror trading basically means replicating the trades in your account by linking it to another account managed by someone who you believe is a savvy investor. Thus, every time the savvy investor executes a trade in his or her account, it is duplicated or “mirrored” in your account.

What is CICS region?

A CICS® region is a named collection of resources that are controlled by CICS as a unit. A CICS resource is any facility or component of a CICS system that is required to perform a task.

What is ATI in CICS?

For intrapartition queues, CICS® provides the option of automatic transaction initiation (ATI). Control is passed to a program that processes the data in the queue; the program must issue repetitive READQ TD commands to deplete the queue. …

Who is Johann steynberg?

America’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has joined the hunt for Mirror Trading International (MTI) Bitcoin scam kingpin, Johann Steynberg, who allegedly defrauded investors of billions of Rand over the past few years. Steynberg started MTI in April 2019 as an automated Bitcoin trading platform.

How does a mirror trade work?

The mirror trading method allows traders in financial markets (and, to a lesser degree, stock markets) to select a trading strategy and to automatically “mirror” the trades executed by the selected strategies in the trader’s brokerage account. Clients may trade one or more strategies concurrently.

How do you invest in mirrors?

“Mirrored investing” is an online investment strategy through which investors “follow” and “attach to” other investors. When the “followed” investor makes a trade, the “attached” investor’s portfolio immediately “mirrors” the trade.

How do mirror transactions work in CICS?

Mirror transactions When a transaction issues a command for a function to run on a remote system, the local CICS system encodes the request and sends it to the remote system. The remote system attaches one of the CICS-supplied mirror transactions, which all use the mirror program, DFHMIRS.

What are the different types of CICS transactions?

This transaction can be used only at an operating system console that has the authority to issue MODIFY commands for the CICS region. Connection quiesce. Architected transaction (inbound). Connection quiesce. Architected transaction (outbound). Transactions CGRP, CSSY, CSTP, and CSXM are transaction names that are used by some CICS tasks.

What is the difference between CSD group and program and Transaction Identifier?

Transaction is the transaction identifier. Program indicates the program, if there is one, that is specified in the supplied transaction definition. CSD group indicates the supplied resource-definition group that contains the transaction definition.


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