What is a postcode Outcode?

What is a postcode Outcode?

The Outcode indicates the postcode area and postcode district. It consists of one or two letters, followed by one digit, two digits, or one digit and one letter. This is followed by a space and then the Incode which indicates the postcode sector and delivery point (usually a group of around 15 addresses).

How do I find the postcode on Google Maps?

With the Google Maps Lookup tool, you can quickly determine the approximate postal address of any location on the world map. Just drag the red marker anywhere on the Google Map and the address details (including the latitude & longitude) of that place will display in the pop-up window.

How many UK postcode districts are there?

Almost 3,000 postal districts cover the UK. Postcode Districts are used to subdivide postal areas and help route mail to its sorting office. Districts fall into areas. On average there are 23 districts in an area.

Where is XX40?

Retailer XX Postcodes
musicMagpie XX20 1BF XX20 1FF
HP / Cycleon Retail Returns XX40 1EH
Zara XX40 1EJ
Mango XX40 1EN

Does each house have its own postcode?

It’s the combination of the postcode and house number that’s uniquely associated with an individual property. In a street/road with houses on each side, one side has the same post code. For example house numbers 1 3 5 7 9 will all have the same post code. Numbers 2 4 6 8 10 will have a slightly different post code.

How do I read a UK postal address?

How to write a UK address

  1. After the recipient’s name, you need to write their house name or number and the street name.
  2. Unlike an American address, where the town, state and ZIP code appear on the same line, the town and postcode is written on separate lines for a UK address.
  3. Finally, write the destination country.

What is the biggest postcode area in the UK?

What is the biggest postcode area in the UK? The biggest postcode area is IV , also known as Inverness. It is made up of 52 postcode districts for post towns.

How do I find the rural address on Google Maps?

Go to the location of your house on Google Maps. Right-click on the location and choose the option “What’s here” At the bottom of the screen, a small box will appear with details of the address and/or coordinates.

What is the biggest postcode in England?


Does every house have its own postcode?

It’s normal to have more than one house on the same post code. A house in a very rural setting, literally miles from their neighbour, might have their own individual post code, but in urban areas a post code generally covers around half a dozen to a dozen houses.

Where is the BX postcode?

BX9 1BX is an artificial post code and it’s not on the Royal Mail database. It’s a mail handling facility operated by HMRC in Bexley, Kent.

Can 2 properties have the same postcode?

Yes, absolutely. A postcode can identify anywhere from several to up to about 40 or more houses, all in close proximity and usually on the same street. In the case of some large users by volume or by size of building (businesses usually) they can have a postcode to themselves.

How do I Find my postcode in the UK?

Get a full postcode in the UK by clicking on the interactive map or found your outward post code by selecting the city on our list above. Also available, address search for postcodes. Just enter your address into the search bar to locate the postal code you need for your mail.

What is the postcode finder and address finder for?

Our Postcode Finder and Address Finder is for customers who occasionally need to look up address details. If your business regularly searches for more than 50 addresses a day, we offer a range of Address Management Products. To find out about these please see our Address Management Products page…

How do I show postcode boundaries on the map?

You can choose to show the outcode postcode boundaries or not by toggling the tickbox. If you wish to search for a location on the map use the search box above the postcode map. List of Postcodes used here…

How do I find postcodes that begin with AB?

AB will show all postcode sectors that begin with AB, but will take slightly longer to load. Simply select the out code (most left hand letter (s)) in the postcode from the dropdown list and click the Show button. After a small delay the map will then show all area level postcodes in that area.


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