What is a proceeding suppression order?

What is a proceeding suppression order?

The CDPP is committed to the principle of open justice and the public’s right to know what is happening in the criminal justice system. Suppression orders are orders made by courts to prohibit the publication of particular evidence or information where it is in the interests of justice to do so.

What is publication suppression order?

To “publish” means to disseminate or provide access to the public or a section of the public by any means. 3. A suppression order is an order that prohibits or restricts the disclosure of information, whether by publication or otherwise. It is broader than a non-publication order.

What is a suppression order Australia?

A court may make a suppression order in accordance with the Evidence Act 1929 (SA) section 69A, where it is satisfied such an order would prevent prejudice to the proper administration of justice, or to prevent undue hardship to an alleged victim, a potential witness or a child [see s 69A(1)].

Why do suppression orders exist?

It allows the public to scrutinise what happens in our courts. It maintains the public’s confidence in our justice system. For example, a court can order the suppression of a defendant’s name and all identifying details. But clear grounds need to exist.

What is a suppression order New Zealand?

A suppression order could apply to information which is relevant to a defendant, a witness, a victim, or someone else associated with the case. It could be an existing order of the court, an order of a lower court, or an order made in the course of delivering a judgment.

Who gets automatic name suppression?

Automatic name suppression applies to protect witnesses and complainants under the age of 18 and of defendants and complainants where certain sexual offences are alleged. These are Parliament’s statutory prohibitions over which judges have no discretion.

Why is suppression granted?

Grounds for name suppression Cause extreme hardship to the defendant or a person connected with the defendant. Cause suspicion on another person that may cause undue hardship. Cause undue hardship to any victim of the offence. Create a real risk of prejudice to a fair trial.

What is the point of name suppression?

The principle of open justice is not absolute. Parliament has enacted laws and the courts have developed case law that limits the media’s (and the public’s) ability to publish reports of what goes on in the courts.

Can judges give name suppression to anyone?

If you’re charged in the criminal courts, you may be able to get the judge to give you name suppression in some cases. The judge can order this if they’re satisfied that publishing your name would be likely to have one of the following effects: cause “extreme hardship” to you, your family or others connected to you.

What happened to Securency and Note Printing Australia?

The final act in the prosecution of banknote firms Securency and Note Printing Australia was a guilty plea by former banknote executive Christian Boillot in the Victorian Supreme Court this week.

How many former employees of Securency have pleaded guilty to bribery?

Since the companies entered their pleas, four former employees of Securency have pleaded guilty to charges of conspiring to bribe and/or false accounting.

What did Securency do to NPA?

Securency produces polymer substrate, upon which NPA prints banknotes. In October 2011, Securency and NPA each pleaded guilty to three charges of conspiracy to commit foreign bribery.


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