What is a SafeLand certification?

What is a SafeLand certification?

What is SafeLand Certification. SafeLand training is an 8-hour course that meets the requirements of API RP 75 & API RP T-1 and also provides a general coverage of other safety topics an employee should understand before entering the work area.

What is PEC SafeLand certification?

The online PEC Basic Orientation safety awareness course SafeLand was designed to take the place of multiple Operator orientations and to give each student a general idea of life and safety issues in the oil and gas industry, upstream, downstream, and onshore or offshore.

How much does PEC training cost?

The fee is $40.00 USD, and the examination certificates are valid for 2 years.

What is PEC training?

What is PEC Training? PEC (Petroleum Education Council) training is geared toward those working in the oil and gas industry. PEC’s main mission is to reduce risks and improve safety for hiring clients and contractors in high-hazard jobs.

Does Rig Pass expire?

SafeLand and RigPass certifications do not expire; Basic Orientation PlusĀ® (BOP) is a twelve-month certification with an annual refresher.

Is rig pass the same as SafeLand?

IADC Rig Pass (SafeLand USA Endorsed) SRP Environmental’s IADC Accredited and SafeLand USA Endorsed Rig Pass course is designed to ensure that all employees on oil and gas industry sites have an equal level of core HSE training as a part of their orientation.

How long is PEC training?

Training is 8 hours and easily achievable in one day so less expensive for the presentation as there is less Instructor time and less student time involved. PEC tracks all training completed in their database and card can be retrieved electronically through a mobile APP.

Do you need to be certified in Pecs?

Do I need to attend the PECS Level 1 Training in order to take the PECS Level 1 Knowledge Examination? Yes. The PECS Level 1 Training is the prerequisite to take the PECS Level 1 Examination. It is also the first step towards obtaining PECS Implementer Certification.

What does the acronym PEC stand for?


Acronym Definition
PEC Periodic Error Correction
PEC Physical Education Coaching (various organizations)
PEC Private Equity Conference (various organizations)
PEC Professional Executive Committee (various organizations)

How long does a RigPass last?

What does IADC stand for?


Acronym Definition
IADC International Association of Drilling Contractors
IADC International Association of Defense Counsel
IADC Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee
IADC Inter-American Defense College

What is the safelandusa training course?

The PEC SafeLandUSA Training Course was designed to take the place of multiple Operator orientations and to give each student a general idea of life and safety issues in the oil and gas industry and sets minimum requirements for the US Onshore E&P Industry.

What is the PEC safeland training course?

Course Overview: The PEC SafeLandUSA Training Course was designed to take the place of multiple Operator orientations and to give each student a general idea of life and safety issues in the oil and gas industry and sets minimum requirements for the US Onshore E&P Industry.

What is safeland and what does it do?

SafeLand is a non-profit organization comprised of major and independent operating companies, contractors, industry associations, and educators to promote SafeLandUSA, a standardized safety orientation for workers in the US Onshore Exploration and Production Industry. What is SafeLandUSA Certification?

What is safesafelandusa training?

SafeLandUSA training is an 8-hour instructor-led course that meets the requirements of API RP 75 & API RP T-1 and also provides general coverage of other safety topics an employee should understand before entering the work area.


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