What is a selectivity index?

What is a selectivity index?

The selectivity index (SI) is a ratio that measures the window between cytotoxicity and antiviral activity by dividing the given AVA value into the TOX value (AVA/TOX). The higher the SI ratio, the theoretically more effective and safe a drug would be during in vivo treatment for a given viral infection.

How do you find the selective index?

The tumor-selectivity index (TS) was calculated by the following equation: TS = mean CC50 against normal cells/mean CC50 against tumor cells.

What is the significance of selectivity ratio?

The concept of selectivity is used to quantify the extent to which one chemical substance, A, binds each of two other chemical substances, B and C. [X] represents the concentration of substance X (A, B, C, …). A selectivity coefficient is defined as the ratio of the two equilibrium constants.

What is a good selectivity index for a drug?

“Selectivity Index is arguably the most important measure to compare the antiviral efficacy between experimental drugs and this new data suggests Brilacidin is in an elite group of anti-coronavirus candidates. For a point of reference, a SI greater than 100 is considered exceptional.

What is the protein selectivity index?

The proteinuria selectivity index (SI) describes changes of the glomerular permeability for macromolecules. In the present study, we examine the implications of SI as a diagnostic (199 patients) and a prognostic (49 patients) marker in glomerular diseases.

What does high selectivity mean?

It’s a ratio between the number of values in a column, the COUNT, and the number of values that are distinct or unique. So something with a high selectivity means that the ratio is approaching 1 where as something with a low selectivity means it has a very low ratio value.

What is meant by selectivity in chemistry?

Selectivity is the discrimination shown by a reagent in competitive attack on two or more substrates or on two or more positions in the same substrate. It is quantitatively expressed by ratios of rate constants of the competing reactions, or by the logarithms of these ratios.

What is selectivity in analytical chemistry?

The recommended definition of Selectivity is: Selectivity refers to the extent to which the method can be used to determine particular analytes in mixtures or matrices without interferences from other components of similar behavior.

Does selectivity indicate safety?

Selectivity is an important attribute of effective and safe drugs, and prediction of in vivo target and tissue selectivity would likely improve drug development success rates.

What is non selective proteinuria?

Nonselective proteinuria, being a glomerular leakage of all plasma proteins, would not involve changes in glomerular net charge but rather a generalized defect in permeability.

What microalbuminuria means?

Microalbuminuria refers to an abnormally increased excretion rate of albumin in the urine in the range of 30-299 mg/g creatinine.

What is the selectivity index (SI)?

The selectivity index (SI) is a ratio that measures the window between cytotoxicity and antiviral activity by dividing the given AVA value into the TOX value (AVA/TOX). The higher the SI ratio, the theoretically more effective and safe a drug would be during in vivo treatment for a given viral infection.

What is the selectivity of an index with 88000 distinct values?

A table having 100’000 records and one of its indexed column has 88000 distinct values, then the selectivity of this index is 88’000 / 10’0000 = 0.88. Oracle implicitly creates indexes on the columns of all unique and primary keys that you define with integrity constraints.

What is the selectivity of the columns in the table?

The ratio of the number of distinct values to the total number of rows is the selectivity of the columns. This method is useful to estimate the selectivity of an index before creating it. We can determine the selectivity of an index by dividing the number of distinct indexed values by the number of rows in the table.

How do you calculate tumor selectivity index?

The tumor-selectivity index (TS) was calculated by the following equation: TS = mean CC 50 against normal cells/mean CC 50 against tumor cells. Anti-HIV activity was determined by selectivity index (SI) that was determined by the ratio of CC 50 (mock-infected) and EC 50 (HIV-infected).


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