What is a spike in AAPI?

What is a spike in AAPI?

A spike has a maximum time-box size as the sprint it is contained in it. At the end of a sprint, the spike will be determined that is done or not-done just like any other ordinary user story. A Spike is a great way to mitigate risks early and allows the team ascertain feedback and develop an understanding on an upcoming PBI’s complexity.

What is a technical spike in marketing?

A technical spike to research how long it takes to update a customer display to current usage, determining communication requirements, bandwidth, and whether to push or pull the data. A functional spike – Prototype a histogram in the web portal and get some user feedback on presentation size, style, and charting.

What is a spike in a sprint?

At the end of a sprint, the spike will be determined that is done or not-done just like any other ordinary user story. A Spike is a great way to mitigate risks early and allows the team ascertain feedback and develop an understanding on an upcoming PBI’s complexity. A powerful scrum software that supports scrum project management.

How does salinity affect spikelet primordia?

Salinity also affected spikelet primordia development. In both control and salinity treated plants apical spikelet abortion started in late awn primordium (AP) stage. However, under salinity treatment, significantly more spikelets were aborted, thus directly affecting plant yield potential.

What is the SPIKES protocol?

SPIKES is an acronym for presenting distressing information in an organized manner to patients and families. The SPIKES protocol provides a step-wise framework for difficult discussions such as when cancer recurs or when palliative or hospice care is indicated.

What is the spikes framework?

SPIKES: a framework for breaking bad news to patients with cancer Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2010 Aug;14(4):514-6.doi: 10.1188/10.CJON.514-516. Author Marcelle Kaplan 1 Affiliation 1Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, New York, USA. marcellekaplan @gmail.com


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