What is a station in labor?

What is a station in labor?

Station is another term used to indicate the progress of labor, and it refers to the position of the baby’s “presenting part” in relation to the ischial spines in the pelvis. A zero station means the presenting part (usually the baby’s head) is level with the spines.

What is the station of the fetus?

Fetal station refers to where the presenting part is in your pelvis. The presenting part. The presenting part is the part of the baby that leads the way through the birth canal. Most often, it is the baby’s head, but it can be a shoulder, the buttocks, or the feet.

What are the stations of birth?

Fetal station is stated in negative and positive numbers.

  • -5 station is a floating baby.
  • -3 station is when the head is above the pelvis.
  • 0 station is when the head is at the bottom of the pelvis, also known as being fully engaged.
  • +3 station is within the birth canal.
  • +5 station is crowning.

How many stations are there in labor?

This is measured in “stations.” A baby is at –3 station when the head is above the pelvis and at 0 station when the head is at the bottom of the pelvis (fully engaged). The baby is at +3 station when the head is beginning to emerge from the birth canal (crowning).

What station does labor start?

When labor begins, some women will have a baby who is fairly high in the pelvis with a station of -2. Other women start labor with a baby that is engaged at a 0 station, or lower. In the case of fetal station, lower in the pelvis (and closer to the vaginal opening) means a positive number.

What station is considered engaged?

What are the stations of Labor?

Stations in Labor. Station is a term used to describe the descent of the baby into the pelvis. An imaginary line is drawn between the two bones in the pelvis (known as ischial spines). This is the “zero” line, and when the baby reaches this line it is considered to be in “zero station.”.

What is station during labor?

Fetal Station During Labor. Station is a measurement of fetal descent in labor and is measured by vaginal exams. Station usually isn’t measured until the last few weeks of pregnancy or you may not hear it discussed until you are in labor. The station number is one of the signs of progression in labor.

What is 0 station in labor?

0 station is when the head is at the bottom of the pelvis, also known as being fully engaged. +3 station is crowning and beginning to emerge from the birth canal. +5 station is crowning.

What is the definition of labor system?

Labor Systems is a full-service staffing agency that delivers custom labor solutions in a variety of industries with the strength and trust of a firm handshake.



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