What is a suprascapular nerve decompression?

What is a suprascapular nerve decompression?

Suprascapular nerve is a mixed (sensory and motor) nerve that arises from the upper trunk of the brachial plexus. Arthroscopic Suprascapular Nerve Decompression is a minimally invasive surgical technique performed to release the compressed suprascapular nerve. …

How long does take for Subscapular nerve to recover after decompression?

If any repairs are needed, the patient can expect to be immobilized in a sling for six weeks followed by four to six months of formal physical therapy. After release of the nerve, it may require six months to a year, or longer, for the nerve to recover which is then followed by muscle recovery.

How do you test the suprascapular nerve?

A suprascapular nerve block may be performed by injecting local anesthetic into suprascapular or spinoglenoid notch to assess for pain relief. Additionally, electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction velocity (NCV) studies may also be used to assess the suprascapular nerve and localize pathology.

What is suprascapular nerve?

The suprascapular nerve is a branch from the upper trunk of the brachial plexus, it innervates the infraspinatus and the supraspinatus muscles.

How do you release the suprascapular nerve?

To decompress the suprascapular nerve at the suprascapular notch, a shaver through the posterior portal removes the soft tissue on the acromion and distal clavicle to expose the coracoclavicular ligaments. The medial border of the conoid ligament is identified and followed to its coracoid attachment.

How long is the suprascapular nerve?

The suprascapular nerve courses through the suprascapular notch an average of 3.42 cm (range: 3.18–3.68 cm) from the superior glenoid rim. The distance from the suprascapular notch to the articular margin of the rotator cuff footprint averaged 5.34 cm (range: 5.05–5.58 cm).

How successful is subacromial decompression?

Arthroscopic subacromial decompression is an effective treatment for impingement syndrome, with published success rates between 77% and 90%. Failure of subacromial decompression is defined as persistent pain and disability after surgery despite adequate postoperative rehabilitation.

How long does a subacromial decompression last?

Recovery From Subacromial Decompression The length of recovery from a subacromial decompression procedure will usually be 1-2 months. However, the sling will be discontinued after a few days to reduce the risk of postoperative stiffness.

How common is suprascapular nerve entrapment?

Suprascapular nerve injury: a common entrapment for overhead athletes. Some studies report up to 33% of volleyball players suffer from suprascapular nerve pathology(27).

What does suprascapular nerve pain feel like?

The signs and symptoms of suprascapular neuropathy include: Shoulder/arm weakness or heaviness. Radiating/burning pain to the neck, back or arm. Pain that worsens with shoulder movement.

What nerve lies deep suprascapular ligament?

The suprascapular nerve arises from the upper trunk of the brachial plexus. It courses posteriorly to the suprascapular notch of the scapula, accompanied by the suprascapular artery. The nerve passes through the notch deep to the transverse scapular ligament, whereas the artery passes over the ligament.

Is it common to release the suprascapular ligament after rotator cuff surgery?

It is common to release the suprascapular ligament concomitantly with repair of these massive retracted tears of the rotator cuff since Neuropathy is reported as much as 70% of the time in this situation. A pinched nerve in shoulder (compression) commonly occurs with a paralabral cyst.

What is a suprascapular nerve entrapment?

The suprascapular nerve supplies function to the supra and infraspinatous muscles. Nerve entrapment has recently gained a lot of attention as a source of pain and dysfunction in the shoulder feeling like a pinched nerve in shoulder. There are three leading causes of this neuropathy: compression, traction, or direct trauma.

Can a ganglion cyst cause suprascapular nerve compression?

As stated previously, the suprascapular nerve at the spinoglenoid notch may be compressed by a ganglion cyst because the nerve is relatively immobile as it traverses the lateral edge of the scapular spine and is in close proximity of the posterior glenohumeral joint.

Why decompress the suprascapular nerve during index arthroscopic surgery?

Before the advent of modern arthroscopic techniques, an extensive open surgical approach was used to treat severe lesion cases. Decompressing the suprascapular nerve at the same time of the index arthroscopic surgery procedure leads to better outcomes for a massive retracted rotator cuff repair and paralabral cysts.


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