What is a Type 1 marine sanitation device?

What is a Type 1 marine sanitation device?

Type I is a an on-board treatment device using a physical/chemical based system that relies on maceration and chlorination. After treatment the treated waste can be discharged.

How does a Lectrasan toilet work?

It is designed with just enough space for the sewage treatment process to occur. Its working principle is based on the generation of chlorine as a disinfectant with an electrode submerged in seawater inside a sealed container.

How does electro scan work?

Electro Scan measures the variation of electricity passing through the pipe wall. Electricity does not pass through non-metallic sewer pipe walls. Electricity will pass through a pipe defect that can leak water. The bigger the defect the larger the electricity flow.

What is Lectra San?

LECTRA San. The Lectra/San®MC (LST/MCTM) is a U.S. Coast Guard Certified Type I Marine Sanitation Device for use on inspected and uninspected vessels 65 feet and under. It must be operated within areas that are not declared a Federal No Discharge Zone (NDZ) by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

What is a Type 3 MSD?

Type III MSDs are holding tanks which do not treat sewage onboard the vessel. These devices are designed to store sewage effluent while preventing overboard discharge. What chemicals can I use in my marine sanitation device? Not all marine sanitation devices require the use of chemicals for day-to-day operation.

Can you discharge treated sewage in port?

The discharge of sewage from passenger ships within a Special Area is generally be prohibited under the new regulations, except when the ship has in operation an approved sewage treatment plant which has been certified by the Administration (see resolution MEPC. 227(64)).

How does a marine sanitation device work?

These devices use a combination of maceration and disinfection to treat vessel sewage. After pulverizing the solids, the effluent is exposed to disinfectants (often, chlorine tablets) that reduce bacteria levels to below the established limits under the Clean Water Act.

What is a Type 2 MSD?

Type II MSDs are flow-through devices suitable for larger vessels. Type II devices are biological systems. First, sewage is aerated so that the bacteria already present in the sewage can thrive and begin to consume/break down the sewage as their food supply.

What do boats do with sewage?

Most commonly, yachts will follow the same tactic as other ocean-faring vessels, in that they discharge waste directly into the oceans. Many of the modern vessels have holding tanks for human waste (black water), but wastewater (gray water) is usually evacuated into the ocean itself.

What is GREY water on ship?

Graywater consists of discharges from galley, bath, and shower water, as well as wastewater from lavatory sinks, laundry, and water fountains (USEPA, 2008a). The volume of graywater generated depends largely on the type of vessel and the number of passengers onboard.

What is the minimum requirements in sewage discharging?

Sewage that has been stored in holding tanks shall be discharged at a moderate rate when the ship is in route and proceeding at not less than 4 knots (the discharge rate shall be approved by the Administration based upon standards developed by the Organization).


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