What is Ace code?

What is Ace code?

Ace is an embeddable code editor written in JavaScript. Ace is an embeddable code editor written in JavaScript. It matches the features and performance of native editors such as Sublime, Vim and TextMate. It can be easily embedded in any web page and JavaScript application.

What is Django ace?

Django-ace-editor is an implementation of the ajax.org Ace editor as a form widget. View license. 92 stars 51 forks. Pull requests.

Who uses ace editor?

It can be easily embedded in any web page and JavaScript application. Ace is developed as the primary editor for Cloud9 IDE and as the successor of the Mozilla Skywriter project. MediaWiki also uses Ace….Ace (editor)

Developer(s) Ajax.org
Website ace.c9.io

What is an ace editor?

Founded in 1950, American Cinema Editors (ACE) is an honorary society of film editors that are voted in based on the qualities of professional achievements, their education of others, and their dedication to editing. Members use the post-nominal letters “ACE”.

How do you use ACE?

Usage/directions In case of difficult stains, pre-treat with ACE pouring it until the stain is completely covered. Leave for a maximum of 3 minutes and then wash immediately. Before usage try ACE on a hidden part of your fabric. Do not pour ACE undiluted onto any metal parts.

Is Ace open source?

The Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE) is an open source software framework used for network programming. It provides a set of object-oriented C++ classes designed to help address the inherent complexities and challenges in network programming by preventing common errors.

How do I create an online code editor?


  1. API running on the backend server, which will take a piece of code and language as input and output the answer after running the code on the server.
  2. Frontend code editor, we can choose the language and edit and modify the code here. Then we make a post request to the backend API and show output on the website.

How do you use ACE in a sentence?

To achieve total success at something, or to complete something to the best of one’s ability. I’m not worried, I always ace it at job interviews. I’m sure he’ll ace it at the match tomorrow morning.

Where do you put an ace?

In the Washing Machine:

  1. Add your detergent as usual.
  2. Pour Ace into the drawer marked CL, up to the level guideline. If your washing machine does not have a CL compartment: a.
  3. For best results, do not pour ACE into the detergent compartment.

What languages does ACE Editor support?

ACE, a Web-based Code Editor, Reaches 1.0

  • Editing documents with millions of lines as fast as small docs.
  • Syntax highlighting in 45 languages including JavaScript, Java, C#, C, C++, Clojure, Go, Groovy, JSON, Scala, Ruby, XML, and others.
  • Emacs, Vi key bindings.
  • Support for TextMate themes.
  • Code folding.

How do I make my HTML live?

By right-clicking on the HTML in the “Elements” tab and selecting “Edit as HTML,” you can make live edits to the markup of a webpage that Chrome will immediately render once you’re done editing.

What is Ace editor?

Ace is developed as the primary editor for Cloud9 IDE and the successor of the Mozilla Skywriter (Bespin) Project. Syntax highlighting for over 120 languages (TextMate/Sublime/ .tmlanguage files can be imported) Take Ace for a spin!

Can Ace be embedded in any web page?

It can be easily embedded in any web page or JavaScript application. Ace is developed as the primary editor for Cloud9 IDE and the successor of the Mozilla Skywriter (Bespin) Project.

What is the license for Ace?

The Ace source code is released under the BSD License. This license is very simple, and is friendly to all kinds of projects, whether open source or not. Take charge of your editor and add your favorite language highlighting and keybindings! Feel free to fork and improve/enhance Ace any way you want.


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