What is AMA and Vata in Ayurveda?

What is AMA and Vata in Ayurveda?

Amavata is a disease in which vitiation of Vata Dosha and accumulation of Ama take place in joints, which simulate rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in modern parlance. [1] Ama is a maldigested product, which is not homogeneous for the body.

How do you reduce Ama Vata?

For amavata, ayurveda recommends a diet that pacifies, or balances out, Vata. Examples of foods to eat on this diet include: grains: easy to digest grains like cooked oats, rice, and cream of wheat. legumes: lentils, dal, mung beans, miso, and tofu.

What is AMA Ayurveda?

Simply put, Ama is a term that denotes undigested food that gets absorbed into the system without proper assimilation. Such partly digested material cannot be used by the system, and acts to clog it, eliciting an immune reaction.

What is Sandhi Vata?

Sandhi-Vata is a very common and most debilitating clinical condition of old age especially during. 4th and 5th decade of life. It is particularly a degenerative disorder caused by vitiated Vata in weight-bearing joints of the body.

How do I know if I have AMA?

Do a Morning Tongue Check for Ama Since the tongue is at the top of the digestive tract you can think of it as a map to all that is happening within. Anything other than a nice pink tongue and you can rest assured, you have an accumulation of ama in your system.

What are the symptoms of Vata?

Signs of a Vata imbalance include:

  • Dryness of skin, hair, ears, lips, joints.
  • Dryness internally – bloat, gas, constipation, dehydration, weight loss.
  • Dry and lightness of the mind – restlessness, dizziness, feeling ungrounded.
  • Cold: poor circulation, muscle spasm or constriction, asthma, pain and aches, tightness.

How can I reduce my vata immediately?

How to Reduce Vata:

  1. Avoid cold foods & drinks and go for warmth.
  2. Favour nourishing foods over light food.
  3. Smooth over rough always aids in combating the problem of vata imbalance.
  4. Moist over oily and dry food is the best way to keep your vata balanced & strong.

What is AMA in Ayurveda?

Ama is a key factor in ayurveda, which produces in the body due to low digestive fire in the alimentary canal and at cellular or tissue level. Ama can block the channels in the body, which results in various diseases.

What is AMA-Vata (rheumatoid arthritis)?

It is common in rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis, respectively. Ama (substance produced by improper functioning of the digestive system) is considered to be root cause of Ama-vata (Rheumatoid arthritis) in Ayurveda. It circulates in the blood and finally collects in the joint surface causing pain and loss of function.

How to digest the Amavata in Ayurveda?

The below mentioned formulations are useful in digesting the ama in amavata and also to relieve its symptoms. Decoction prepared with ten roots taken with powder of long pepper. Powder of Alangium salvifolium should be taken with hot water. It is said to cure rheumatoid arthritis, abdominal tumors, colic and weak digestion.

How does the Vata push the AMA into the body?

The vata also gets vitiated and pushes the ama into different parts of the body through circulation. Mainly Vayu pushes the ama into the shleshma sthana (sites of kapha), mainly the bony joints and muscles. The ama on further vitiation by vata and kapha enters the circulation and later gets associated with morbid pitta.


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