What is an ABFO scale and how is it used?

What is an ABFO scale and how is it used?

The ABFO No. 2 Scale was designed by the American Board of Forensic Odontology and is used through the country when photographing bite marks on a victim’s body. The three crosshair circles are useful in helping to compensate for distortion resulting from oblique camera angles.

How are rulers used in forensic science?

Forensic scientists often use a ruler when photographing evidence, such as a blood spatter on a wall after a murder or a scratch in a window sill after a burglary. This way, they will know later on how big the piece of evidence was, and it will be possible to match a footprint, for example, with someone’s shoe size.

What is ABFO?

ABFO stands for “American Board of Forensic Odontologists.” The scale was developed by this board in order to properly photograph bite mark evidence for comparison of the human mouth. It is important to document the bite mark photographically before processing the evidence in any other way.

What is ABFO No 2 scale?

What is forensic scale?

Abstract. Scales for forensic photography provide a geometrical reference in the photographic documentation of evidence. A common scale used by investigators is a plastic, L- shaped ruler that allows for a dimensional reference in the photographic documentation of evidence or a crime scene.

How do you measure a crime scene?

The Forensic Services Section currently utilizes two different methods for measuring crime scenes; the Linear Coordinate (or Baseline Method) and Triangulation. A variation of the Baseline Method, which is known as the 90 Degree Method, is typically used for indoor scenes.

What is a Photomacrographic scale?

5 days ago
Designed by the American Board of Forensic Odontology (ABFO), this scale has become the standard for bitemark measurement and photography. The 1cm division lines are traced and extended across the photographic print to grid an image. …

Why do crime scenes have numbers?

Scales and measuring devices are frequently used in crime scene and evidence photographs. Some 6 inch scales have small numbers for extreme close-up photographs and others have large numbers for photographing larger items. The larger numbers allow easy reading of the scale from a greater distance.

When packaging evidence what should always be included?

Always package tubes of blood separately from any other evidence items in a crushproof container. Evidence that is wet or that may contain body fluids (blood, semen, etc.) must be air-dried completely. Such items should be packaged in paper bags/boxes.

What is the purpose of ABFO?

Purpose. The ABFO is comprised of individuals who are nationally and internationally recognized experts. The ABFO is accredited by the Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board (FSAB) as a forensic specialty offering board certification to qualified dentists.

How big are the graphics on the ABFO#2?

The graphics on the ABFO#2 read 5cm x 5cm and graduation tics extend out to 8cm on each leg. The gray shade featured on this product is 18% Photo Gray, which is a color balancing tone used in photography.

What are ABFO rulers made of?

The white metric corner square includes an 18% gray half tone and is commonly referred to as an ABFO #2. These rulers are made of durable plastic. Customer Reviews Review by Kristi Church Price Value Quality These scales work great for what we use them for in our collection at Science Museum Oklahoma. (Posted on 7/23/2015) Review by Bernald Avila

What does PSP-ABFO stand for?

The ABFO No. 2 is available in a flexible magnetic version (PSP-ABFO/M) or the standard, non-magnetic version ( PSP-ABFO). Alternating black and white bars (1 cm) to permit measurements from grossly over- and underexposed photographs.



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