What is an example of estar?

What is an example of estar?

Estar is used to describe someone’s mood, and implies that this state might be temporary. For example, in “Está feliz” (He/she is happy), the person is happy now but won’t always be happy.

What conjugation is future?

Regular verbs in the future tense are conjugated by adding the following endings to the infinitive form of the verb: -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án. There are twelve common verbs that are irregular in the future tense. Their endings are regular, but their stems change.

Is estar irregular in the future?

Estar is an irregular verb. It is irregular because it does not follow an established pattern of conjugation to form its different tenses.

What are all the estar?

To describe how you feel or where you are, you use the present indicative forms of estar – estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están.

What are 5 sentences using estar?

Terms in this set (6)

  • Estar. Used to tell how a person is feeling and where someone/thing is located.
  • Mi tía está en Tejas. My aunt is in Texas.
  • Mi tío está en Nevada. My uncle is in Nevada.
  • Yo estoy bien. I am fine.
  • Tú estás enferma. You are sick.
  • Carina y Dylan están contentas. Carina and Dylan are happy.

Are emotions estar?

Let’s practice more with this important verb. Express a condition or feeling by adding a descriptive adjective after estar….Estar.

Use ESTAR for… Por ejemplo Translation
Emotions Estás triste. You’re sad.
Continuous actions in the present Estás estudiando. You are studying.

What is saber in the future tense?

We use saber in the future tense to talk about things that will be known. Saber in the future tense can also mean ‘to find out’. In the future tense, saber is an irregular verb.

What is tener in the future tense?


Tener Subjunctive Future Tense
él/ella tuviere
nosotros tuviéremos
ustedes tuvieren
ellos/ellas tuvieren

What is the future tense of Comer?

Future of Comer

Subject Pronouns Comer Conjugation: Future Translation
él/ella/usted comerá he/she/you formal will eat
nosotros/nosotras comeremos we will eat
vosotros/vosotras comeréis you all will eat
ellos/ellas/ustedes comerán they/you all formal will eat

What is estar yo?

Estar Conjugation: Simple Tenses of the Indicative Mood

Subject Present Preterite
(am/is/are) (was/were)
yo estoy estuve
estás estuviste
él/ella está estuvo

What are the 5 uses of estar?

Spanish speakers use estar to express a temporary physical condition.

  • Estoy bien. (I am well.)
  • ¿Cómo estás? (How are you?)
  • Ellos están enfermos. (They are sick.)
  • Estamos sanos. (We are healthy.)
  • Estoy mareado. (I am dizzy.)

How do you feel where you are estar?

When to Use Estar “To say how you feel and where you are, you should use the verb estar.” An easy way to think about the verb estar is that it is used to describe temporary conditions and locations. Conditions can be mental, emotional, or physical states of people, animals, and objects.

What is the present tense of estar?

Conjugation of “estar”. As you may have noticed, ​ estar is irregular in some tenses. Following is its conjugation for the tenses most likely to be encountered by beginning students. Irregular forms are in boldface. Present tense: yo estoy (I am), tú estás (you are), él/ella/usted está (he/she is, you are), nosotros/nosotras estamos,…

How to conjugate estar?

Yo → estoy

  • Tú (you informal) → estás
  • Èl/Ella/Ud (you formal) → está
  • Nosotros (nosotras) → estamos
  • Vosotros (vosotras) → estáis
  • Ellos/Ellas/Uds. → están
  • How to use “estar” in Spanish?

    To describe location,health,or any condition that is only temporary. Let’s take a look at some examples below: Examples:

  • To describe feelings. Estoy muy enojado – I am very angry ¿Estás cansado?
  • To describe the condition of places or things.
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