What is an example of stable equilibrium?

What is an example of stable equilibrium?

A book lying on a horizontal surface is an example of stable equilibrium. If the book is lifted from one edge and then allowed to fall, it will come back to its original position. Other examples of stable equilibrium are bodies lying on the floor such as chair, table etc.

What is an example of an equilibrium?

An example of equilibrium is in economics when supply and demand are equal. An example of equilibrium is when you are calm and steady. An example of equilibrium is when hot air and cold air are entering the room at the same time so that the overall temperature of the room does not change at all.

How do you know if equilibrium is stable or unstable in physics?

An equilibrium is considered stable (for simplicity we will consider asymptotic stability only) if the system always returns to it after small disturbances. If the system moves away from the equilibrium after small disturbances, then the equilibrium is unstable.

What is a stable equilibrium state?

Definition of stable equilibrium : a state of equilibrium of a body (such as a pendulum hanging directly downward from its point of support) such that when the body is slightly displaced it tends to return to its original position — compare unstable equilibrium.

How do you find stable equilibrium?

Stability theorem

  1. if f′(x∗)<0, the equilibrium x(t)=x∗ is stable, and.
  2. if f′(x∗)>0, the equilibrium x(t)=x∗ is unstable.

How do you find equilibrium in physics?

For an object to be in equilibrium, it must be experiencing no acceleration. This means that both the net force and the net torque on the object must be zero.

What are stable and unstable equilibrium?

A system is said to be in stable equilibrium if, when displaced from equilibrium, it experiences a net force or torque in a direction opposite to the direction of the displacement. A system in unstable equilibrium accelerates away from its equilibrium position if displaced even slightly.

What is an example of stability?

Stability is the state of being resistant to change and not prone to wild fluctuations in emotion. An example of stability is a calm, stable life where you don’t have wild ups and downs.

Which is not an example of stable equilibrium?

The toy doll perched on the man’s hand in Figure 1, for example, is not in stable equilibrium. Figure 1 presents a balanced system, such as the toy doll on the man’s hand, which has its center of gravity (cg) directly over the pivot, so that the torque of the total weight is zero.

What is an equilibrium in physics?

equilibrium, in physics, the condition of a system when neither its state of motion nor its internal energy state tends to change with time.


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