What is an MMP-13 inhibitor?

What is an MMP-13 inhibitor?

Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 13 is a major enzyme that targets cartilage for degradation. Compared to other MMPs, the expression of MMP13 is more restricted to connective tissue [3].

What is the function of MMPs?

In summary, MMPs are multifunctional proteases that: 1) proteolyse ECM components with subsequent release of bioactive fragments and proteins; 2) participate in membrane shedding; 3) play an important role in chemokine processing; and 4) alter the activity status of other proteases.

How do you stop metalloproteinases?

One mechanism to inhibit MMP activity is by dislodging the enzymes from their receptors. Gold salts bind to a heavy metal site distinct form the zinc-containing active center, which inhibits their activity. MMP activity can be decreased by binding to the cleavage site on the substrate e.g. catechin.

Where are MMPs produced?

MMPs are produced by many cell types, including lymphocytes and granulocytes, but in particular by activated macrophages (17).

Where are TIMPs produced?

lung tissue
The TIMPs are expressed in lung tissue during the initial stages of lung development and throughout the life of the organism. Through regulation of MMP activity, TIMPs indirectly regulate remodeling of the extracellular matrix (ECM) as well as cell signaling via ECM molecules.

What is zinc metalloprotease?

A metalloproteinase, or metalloprotease, is any protease enzyme whose catalytic mechanism involves a metal. EDTA is a metal chelator that removes zinc, which is essential for activity. They are also inhibited by the chelator orthophenanthroline.

What is competitive enzyme inhibitor?

Competitive inhibition is a type of enzyme inhibition in which an inhibitor binds to the active sites of an enzyme, preventing the substrate from binding to the enzyme. The active site is blocked by the inhibitor, so there is no space for the substrate to bind to the enzyme.

What are the types of enzyme inhibitors?

Enzyme inhibitors are molecules that interact in some way with the enzyme to prevent it from working in the normal manner. There are a variety of types of inhibitors including: nonspecific, irreversible, reversible – competitive and noncompetitive. Poisons and drugs are examples of enzyme inhibitors.

What is inhibitor chip?

Control chips, also known as inhibitor chips, were a type of organic bio-chip capable of dictating or responding to the thoughts of its host. Kaminoan cloners implanted them within each clone trooper in the Grand Army of the Republic.


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