What is an NSNumber?

What is an NSNumber?

NSNumber is a subclass of NSValue that offers a value as any C scalar (numeric) type. It defines a set of methods specifically for setting and accessing the value as a signed or unsigned char , short int , int , long int , long long int , float , or double or as a BOOL .

Is NSInteger an object?

NSInteger is not an object type. It’s a foundation data type.

How do I add NSNumber?

You need to do this: NSNumber *eight = [NSNumber numberWithInt:([five intValue] + [three intValue])]; If you can, avoid using NSNumber for numeric operations (such as addition) and use int values instead. Just create a NSNumber when you finally need it (i.e. to use it in a cocoa library call).

What is NSInteger in Swift?

NSInteger is a type definition that describes an integer – but it is NOT equivalent to int on 64-bit platforms. You can examine the typedef by cmd-clicking on NSInteger in Xcode. It has methods to convert between different types and methods to retrieve a string representation of your numeric value.

What is NSMutableArray Objective C?

The NSMutableArray class declares the programmatic interface to objects that manage a modifiable array of objects. This class adds insertion and deletion operations to the basic array-handling behavior inherited from NSArray . NSMutableArray is “toll-free bridged” with its Core Foundation counterpart, CFMutableArray .

Is NSInteger primitive?

5 Answers. NSNumber is a class, not a primitive, and is used when you need to put raw numbers into dictionaries, arrays, or otherwise encapsulate them. NSInteger , NSUInteger , CGFloat , etc are simple types and correspond (on 32-bt systems like the iPhone) to int , unsigned int and float .

What is __ NSCFNumber?

Technically, NSCFNumber is a private subclass of NSNumber , but that is an implementation detail which you don’t have to worry about. To get the integer value you would call [orientation integerValue]

What is difference between NSArray and NSMutableArray?

The primary difference between NSArray and NSMutableArray is that a mutable array can be changed/modified after it has been allocated and initialized, whereas an immutable array, NSArray , cannot. When using this method of constructing your arrays, pass your objects that need to be placed inside the array one by one.

What is NSMutableArray Swift?

Overview. The NSMutableArray class declares the programmatic interface to objects that manage a modifiable array of objects. This class adds insertion and deletion operations to the basic array-handling behavior inherited from NSArray .

What is NSInteger in Objective C?

NSInteger is a type definition that describes an integer – but it is NOT equivalent to int on 64-bit platforms. You can examine the typedef by cmd-clicking on NSInteger in Xcode. NSNumber is a class that helps you to store numeric types as object.

Is Objective-C dying?

Is Objective-C Dead? In any case, until Apple completely revamps both iOS and MacOS with Swift as the preferred language used for iOS app development, Objective-C will still be in demand which means that it will still be around for at least the next 5 years and probably longer.

What is NSNumber in C++?

An object wrapper for primitive scalar numeric values. NSNumber is a subclass of NSValue that offers a value as any C scalar (numeric) type. It defines a set of methods specifically for setting and accessing the value as a signed or unsigned char, short int, int, long int, long long int, float, or double or as a BOOL.

What is the use of NSString in Objective C?

Like NSNumber, NSString is also immutable type. It’s used to represent text in Objective-C. NSString provides built-in support for Unicode, which means that we can include UTF-8 characters directly in string literals. stringWithFormat: class method is useful for generating strings that are composed of variable values.

How do you make a bool in NSNumber?

The NSNumber version of BOOL’s, char’s, int’s and double’s can all be created by simply prefixing the corresponding primitive type with the @ symbol; however, unsigned int’s, long’s, and float’s must be appended with the U, L, or F modifiers, as shown below.

Is it possible to change the value of an NSNumber?

It’s not possible to change its associated value of NSNumber after we create it. They are immutable. In this sense, an NSNumber instance acts exactly like a primitive value. When we need a new double value, we create a new literal and don’t change an existing one.


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