What is annotative scaling?

What is annotative scaling?

Annotative scaling is the process in which you select a scale for a drawing and all the annotative text, dimensions, blocks and hatches change to reflect the scale. This can also be set independently for each viewport so multiple scales can show on one sheet drawing.

How do you scale a linetype in AutoCAD?

To set the linetype scale at the keyboard, follow these steps:

  1. Type LTSCALE (or LTS) and press Enter. AutoCAD responds with a prompt, asking you for the scale factor.
  2. Type the value you want for the linetype scale and press Enter. The easiest choice is to set the linetype scale to the drawing scale factor.

What should my linetype scale be?

Your working drawing should have the LTSCALE set to the proper scale factor. For example: In a Decimal Feet plan using 1″ = 10′ scale, the LTSCALE should be set to 10. In an Architectural Inches plan using the same scale, LTSCALE should be set to 120.

How do you use annotative scales?

Model space

  1. Insert text or dimension.
  2. In the Properties palette, change the Annotative setting to Yes.
  3. Click the “…” next to the current scale to open the Annotative Object Scale dialog.
  4. Add necessary scales, then click OK.

How do you identify the annotative scale of a text object?

Annotation scale is used to determine text height or the overall scale of an annotation object. The approach used to calculate an annotation scale depends on whether the object is placed in model space or on a layout.

How do you make annotative lines in AutoCAD?

While in model space, you can see a new option along the status line called Annotation Scale (see below). Use the new Annotation Scale option on the status bar to set your scale factor. As you create your various annotative objects, simply set the scale factor to the one that you plan to use in your paper space layout.

How do you do annotative text?

How do you make an object annotative?

Right-click the annotation object in the drawing area and select Properties. On the Properties window, under Misc, select Yes from the Annotative drop-down list.

What scale should I Set my linetypes to?

Normally this variable should be set to 1, as most linetypes are created at a scale of 1:1 and you use the next set of variables to control the display of layers with linetypes. That said, if you need to change it, you simply type in LTSCALE and then you enter the plot scale that you want your linetypes to display at (e.g., 10, 20, 50, etc.).

Why is my linetype scale not working in AutoCAD?

This can be the result of the MSLTSCALE and/or PSLTSCALE system variables not being set properly. Starting with AutoCAD 2008, linetype scaling in model space is controlled by the variable MSLTSCALE and in paper space with PSLTSCALE.

How to scale AutoCAD linetype in paper space?

Starting with AutoCAD, linetype scaling in model space is controlled by the variable MSLTSCALE and in paper space with PSLTSCALE. The MSLTSCALE system variable controls whether or not linetypes displayed on the model tab are scaled based on the annotation scale.

Why do my linetypes look the same size?

Notice that the linetypes look the same size. To summarize, you should have all your linetype scale variables set to 1. Lastly, if all else fails and your linetype is not displaying correctly, you may need to override the individual objects linetype scale property.


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