What is another name for Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane?

What is another name for Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane?


PubChem CID 11169
Chemical Safety Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula C8H24O4Si4
Synonyms OCTAMETHYLCYCLOTETRASILOXANE 556-67-2 Cyclotetrasiloxane, octamethyl- 2,2,4,4,6,6,8,8-Octamethyl-1,3,5,7,2,4,6,8-tetraoxatetrasilocane Oktamethylcyklotetrasiloxan More…

What is Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane used for?

Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4; CAS No. 556-67-2) is used as a monomer in the manufacture of polymeric materials, which are widely used in various industrial and/or medical applications, such as breast implants.

Is Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane safe?

Hazard identification. The available toxicological literature as cited in Dekant et al. (2017), Domoradzki et al.

What is D4 chemical?

D4 is an odourless, colourless liquid mostly used as an intermediate or basic raw material in the production of silicone rubbers, gels and resins. When used as an intermediate during the manufacturing process, virtually all D4 is consumed with only a tiny amount remaining in final products.

What is D4 silicone?

Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) is an odorless, colorless non-oily volatile silicone fluid used primarily to make other silicone materials. During this process, virtually all of the material is consumed, with only a tiny amount of D4 remaining.

Is D4 toxic?

D4 has a relatively low order of toxicity following acute administration via the oral, dermal, and inhalation routes of exposure and is not considered to be a dermal or eye irritant or to be a dermal sensitizer. There is no appreciable dermal absorption of D4 based on results from in vivo and in vitro studies.

Is polysiloxane a copolymer?

11.2. 6 Polysiloxane Block Copolymers. Silicone polymers (polysiloxanes) form a group of materials of unusual properties which may include high-thermal stabilities, low-surface energies and low Tg values.

What are polysiloxanes used for?

A silicone or polysiloxane is a polymer made up of siloxane (−R2Si−O−SiR2−, where R = organic group). They are typically colorless oils or rubber-like substances. Silicones are used in sealants, adhesives, lubricants, medicine, cooking utensils, thermal insulation, and electrical insulation.

What is D5 D6?

D4, D5 and D6 contain 4, 5 and 6 repeating units respectively. They are three main cyclosiloxanes in commercial production and several decades of research has proven that they are safe for human health and the environment.

What is D4 and D5?

D4 and D5 are cyclosiloxanes mainly used as monomers for silicone polymer production. They also have a direct use in personal care products. D4 has been identified as a persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) and very persistent very bioaccumulative (vPvB) substance. D5 has been identified as a vPvB substance.

What is D4 chemistry?


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