What is Apodization in FTIR?

What is Apodization in FTIR?

The term apodization is used frequently in publications on Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) signal processing. An example of apodization is the use of the Hann window in the fast Fourier transform analyzer to smooth the discontinuities at the beginning and end of the sampled time record.

How does the Restor lens work?

These lenses are used to replace the natural lens during cataract surgery. Made of soft plastic, they are convex on both sides. They are folded and inserted into the eye, then gently unfolded to restore vision. Once inserted, the supporting arms of the lens keep it in the proper position in the eye.

What is an apodization function?

An apodization function (also called a tapering function or window function) is a function used to smoothly bring a sampled signal down to zero at the edges of the sampled region.

What is apodization factor?

The apodization factor refers to the rate of decrease of the beam amplitude as a function of radial pupil coordinate and can be used to study the effects of truncated Gaussian amplitude variations.

What was the first multifocal intraocular device?

The first multifocal IOL was three-piece, convexo-concave design, introduced in 1987 by 3M, however, the company stopped all IOL production in 1992. The first FDA-approved multifocal IOL in the United States was AMO’s Array in 1997, and this was replaced in 2004 by the ReZoom IOL.

What is the ReZoom multifocal IOL?

It is an improved version of the Array multifocal IOL that received FDA approval in 1997. The ReZoom lens uses five optical zones to focus light on the retina at all pupil diameters. This enables distance-dominant vision with a near add of 3.5 D in the plane of the IOL.

What are the refractive principles of Multifocal intraocular lenses (IOL)?

There are many refractive principles that underpin a range of multifocal IOL designs. Apodized refractive-diffractive IOL designs can give implanted patients more light to near when pupils are small, and more light to far when pupils are large.

Can multifocal intraocular lenses restore visual function after intraocular implantation?

This article has been cited byother articles in PMC. Abstract The multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) available are often able to restore visual function and allow spectacle independence after their implantation with great levels of patient satisfaction.


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