What is autofs?

What is autofs?

Autofs is an automount daemon that manages mount points as needed. In short, it only mounts a given share when that share is being accessed and are unmounted after a defined period of inactivity.

How do I set up autofs?

Installing AutoFS on Linux

  1. Create multiple configuration files in the /etc directory such as : auto. master, auto.net, auto. misc and so on;
  2. Will create the AutoFS service in systemd;
  3. Add the “automount” entry to your “nsswitch. conf” file and link it to the “files” source.

What is NFS Idmap?

Description. The file /usr/sbin/nfsidmap is used by the NFS idmapper to translate user and group ids into names, and to translate user and group names into ids.

What is NFSv4 protocol?

The NFS Version 4 protocol is stateful. NFS is a distributed file system designed to be operating system independent. NFS Version 4 is a single protocol that uses a well-defined port, Page 2 2 which, coupled to the use of TCP, allows NFS to easily transit firewalls to enable support for the Internet.

Is NFSv4 secure?

3 Answers. If you use NFSv4 with sec=krb5p , then it is secure. (That means use Kerberos 5 for authentication, and encrypt the connection for privacy.)

How do I run autofs in Linux?

Steps to mount nfs share using Autofs in CentOS 7

  1. Step:1 Install autofs package.
  2. Step:2 Edit the Master map file (/etc/auto.
  3. Step:2 Create a map file ‘/etc/auto.
  4. Step:3 Start the auotfs service.
  5. Step:3 Now try to access the mount point.
  6. Step:1 Install the autofs package using apt-get command.

What is the configuration of autofs for NFSv4?

Details on the configuration of autofs can be found in Autofs. The configuration is identical to NFSv2 and NFSv3 except that you have to specify -fstype=nfs4 as option. Automount supports NFSv4’s feature to mount all file systems exported by server at once.

Where does the NFSv4 domain name come from?

Other operating systems might derive the NFSv4 domain name from the domain name mentioned in /etc/resolv.conf (e.g. Solaris 10). If you have a slow network connection and are not establishing mount at reboot, you can change the line in etc/fstab:

Why doesn’t Ubuntu Server Support NFS v4?

Currently Ubuntu Server does not come with the scripts needed to auto-mount nfs4 entries in /etc/fstab after the network is up. They don’t work the way they did in NFSv3. NFSv4 has a global root directory and all exported directories are children to it.

How do I set up Kerberos on NFS server?

Log in to your NFSserver (as root, because you will need to edit the /etc/krb5.keytab file) and initialize as Kerberos administrator. If your domain is fully kerberized, logging in as root will automatically give you the right access, in which case you don’t need to use “kinit” anymore.


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