What is centralized organization in architecture?

What is centralized organization in architecture?

196 / ARCHITECTURE: FORM, SPACE, & ORDER. A centralized organization is a stable, concentrated composition that consists of a number of secondary spaces grouped around a large, dominant, central space.

What are the architectural terms?

ARCADE: a series of arches supported by columns or piers, it may be attached to a wall (blind) or freestanding. ARCH: a method of spaning an opening, stronger than a lintel. ASHLAR: smooth square stones laid in a horizontal fashion; used for foundations or facing of masonry walls. …

What is a centralized floor plan?

“Centralized” or “central plan” refers to a type of design that is organized around a vertical axis and can be circumscribed within a circle.

Is architecture centralized?

A centralized architecture implies the availability of a single or a few entities that have control over the entire network. Note that a centralized approach typically means one-hop connectivity to all network members but, in the context of short-range embedded systems, is typically realized via a multihop network.

What is a central organization?

July 19, 2012. Centralized organization can be defined as a hierarchy decision-making structure where all decisions and processes are handled strictly at the top or the executive level.

What architectural term describes a structure created from a pile of material?

Load-bearing describes a structure created from a pile of material.

What is centralized form?

intransitive verb. : to form a center : cluster around a center. transitive verb. 1 : to bring to a center : consolidate centralize all the data in one file. 2 : to concentrate by placing power and authority in a center or central organization centralized several functions in a single agency.

What are centralized systems?

CENTRALIZED SYSTEMS: Centralized systems are systems that use client/server architecture where one or more client nodes are directly connected to a central server. This is the most commonly used type of system in many organizations where a client sends a request to a company server and receives the response.

What is a centralized process?

Centralization refers to the process in which activities involving planning and decision-making within an organization. In a centralized organization, the decision-making powers are retained in the head office, and all other offices receive commands from the main office.

What is centralized plan structure in architecture?

Centralized-Plan Structure. a structure that is symmetrical in relation to the vertical axis in the center of the main chamber, whose dominant functional and artistic importance is expressed both in the plan (circle, square, polygon, or more complex geometric figure) and in the exterior of the building.

How is centralized planning supported by software?

Centralized planning is supported by software with a central schedule and database, where users at various locations can work in the same schedule simultaneously. One of the methodologies is a “control tower” concept. A supply chain or service control tower is a single command center with…

What is meant by centralized processing?

centralized processing. (redirected from centralized architecture) Processing performed in one computer or in a cluster of coupled computers in a single location.

What is the difference between distributed and centralized architecture?

A centralized architecture does not inherently assume that all functions must be in one location or circuit, but that most functions are located together and none are repeated elsewhere as would be found in a distributed architecture.



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