What is cervical dystocia?

What is cervical dystocia?

Cervical dystocia: Difficult labor and delivery caused by mechanical obstruction at the cervix. Dystocia comes from the Greek “dys” meaning “difficult, painful, disordered, abnormal” + “tokos” meaning “birth.”

What causes dystocia in pregnancy?

Dystocia of maternal origin may be caused by uterine inertia, small pelvic size, failure of cervical dilation, and uterine torsion. Failure of cervical dilation and uterine torsion are the most common causes of dystocia of maternal origin.

What are the causes of dystocia?

Causes of dystocia can range from fetal factors such as large fetus’, or abnormal positioning, to maternal factors such as narrowed birth canal, lack of contractions, or exhaustion for prolonged contractions. Dystocia can effect both dogs and cats, but is more common is small breed dogs.

What are the causes of dystocia obstructed labor?

Obstructed labour
Complications Perinatal asphyxia, uterine rupture, post-partum bleeding, postpartum infection
Causes Large or abnormally positioned baby, small pelvis, problems with the birth canal
Risk factors Shoulder dystocia, malnutrition, vitamin D deficiency
Diagnostic method Active phase of labour > 12 hours

What are the signs and symptoms of cervical dystocia?

According to J effcoate, three constant factors, – presenting part deeply engaged, normal pelvis and strong regular contractions, should be present in the diagnosis of primary cervical dystocia. The thinned out cervix with a rigid ex- ternal os fails to dilate and a car- tilaginous ring is felt at the external os.

How can I prevent dystocia during pregnancy?

Prevention of dystocia includes encouraging the use of trained labor support companions, deferring hospital admission until the active phase of labor when possible, avoiding elective labor induction before 41 weeks’ gestation, and using epidural analgesia judiciously.

What is secondary cervical dystocia?

Secondary or organic dystocia may be due to fibrosis following· previous operations, cauterisation of cervix conisation, radium burns and benign or malignant neoplasms of the cervix. In the idiopathic type of dystocia various points of views are postulated without any uniform conclusions.

What are some examples of dystocia?

Cesarean delivery.

  • Operative vaginal delivery.
  • Infection (chorioamnionitis, endometritis, wound infection)
  • Hemorrhage.
  • Uterine rupture.
  • Hysterectomy.
  • Transfusion.
  • Trauma to the pelvic floor (vaginal/perineal/cervical/bladder/rectal injury at the time of delivery)
  • What are the types of dystocia?


    • Postpartum haemorrhage occurs in 11% of this type of delivery.
    • Third-degree and fourth-degree perineal tears occurs in 3.8% of dystocia deliveries.
    • Vaginal lacerations.
    • Cervical tear.
    • Bladder rupture.
    • Uterine rupture.
    • Symphyseal separation.
    • Sacroiliac joint dislocation.

    How common is cervical dystocia?

    Sackett mentions an incidence of 1.04 per cent (86 cases of cervical dystocia in 8,213 deliveries).

    What causes cervical dystonia?

    The exact cause of cervical dystonia is still unexplained. Some scientists believe cervical dystonia may develop due to some underlying diseases or disorders. The neck muscles are submitted to an abnormal twisting, squeezing and muscle contractions which causes jerky head movements and awkward positioning of the head.

    Can cervical dystonia be cured?

    The severity of cervical dystonia varies. It can be painful and disabling in some cases. The specific cause isn’t known. There’s no cure as yet, but symptoms can be treated. Cervical dystonia is also called spasmodic torticollis. Pain is the most frequent and challenging symptom of cervical dystonia.

    Is cervical dystonia is curable?

    There is no cure for cervical dystonia. The disorder sometimes resolves without treatment, but sustained remissions are uncommon. Injecting botulinum toxin into the affected muscles often reduces the signs and symptoms of cervical dystonia. Surgery may be appropriate in a few cases.

    How rare is cervical dystonia?

    While it is relatively uncommon, cervical dystonia is by no means rare. Exact prevalence rates are not available, but an estimated 60,000 – 160,000 Americans are living with cervical dystonia. In one study, only half of these patients reported being treated for their condition.


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